Jan 17, 2022 06:00
It's happening again. He is pacing around and squeeking. After only a can of sardines yesterday. And, this being as soon as I awaken, it is really crippling me via CFS. It's the exact opposite of what my CFS needs. If the floors were fully carpetted, this wouldn't be as disruptive. I know that he knows it affects me, because he often hides away in the bathroom so as not to bother me. But that doesn't last long.
The good news is that it has nothing to do with dementia. The bad news is that it might be something serious - pancreas or cancer. Not something I can easilly deal with. It's sad and stupid that such a strong, proud dog has to go through this. As far as it being possibly CFS-related, I am not yet seeing any correlation to exertion, but it's possible.
I'm going to limit him to a can of sardines today. Again. If that doesn't break it, then no food tomorrow, and I get working on going to the vet. With no car. Etc.PS -
I actually did order something, "special," yesterday: A small anti-skid pad to put under the living room rug which currently slips around like the burnt skin on a marshmallow.
my dogs - king