So many exclusionary journals. Advertising, "Don't add me if you are a close-minded Trump-supporter," or, "Don't add me if you don't believe in (man-made) climate change," or, "Don't add me if you don't believe in God." And so on. This itself is closed-mindedness, very closely related to cancel culture. It's just, "Please don't," rather than, "Don't disagree with what I say or I will hurt (ban) you." Countless people who support Trump aren't close-minded. Countless people who acknowledge climate change believe there are other or additional causes. Countless people believe in other forms of "God" than the biblical one, or in animate Nature, which - how can that be contrary to "God"?! Does God live in a vacation home in Florida, away from Reality most of the time?
And whatever happened to the idea that people can get together in a free and progressive exchange of ideas? After all, we are all Human beings to begin with - are we to separate each other into various categories of Aliens, based on abstract words? When you cut a fart, does it not smell? We are all in this together, or have money and media and COVID puppetmasters blinded us to this fact? All of this divisiveness is born of insecurity, and a childish intention to define each person's Self. Why so insecure? Why all this window-dressing? Write from a sense of strength and they will come. As George Harrison said, "Being honest won't get you a lot of friends, but it will get you the right ones."
Then there are the deliberate, provocative, defiant excluders. The verbal psychos of LJ. They rant on about being Feminists and hurting men - so who are they going to cancel in their journals? Or they go on and on about how Trump is a liar and fake - who are they going to alienate? And don't they make themselves and friends blind to the lies and demogogeury of challengers to Trump, (or vice versa?) Or they throw up big clouds of scorn or ridicule over anyone who considers that the COVID-19 virus could have come from a lab, probably in Wuhan, as if they know all the facts and science - but haven't they been excluding those, and those hypotheses, who might lead to the truth? Where do their agendae come from? Are they so insecure that they need to feign belonging to some hyperGroup, adopting the same enemies, as the likes of George Zimmerman did, just to assert some feeling of being a Self?
I was thinking of how, maybe there was never a perfect time, but there was a better time when people gave each other the benefit of the doubt, and saw some personal and/or moral benefit in listening and respecting and being responsible to each other, even to strangers. But, something has evolved, and I have seen it most in the psychos and bullies, where people have adopted this attitude that: "The more I can dismiss you - nay, the more I can disrespect you - nay, the more I can piss you off or hurt you - then the more Power I must have!" And they always do this by reference to some kind of "group", which is really some distant and impersonal ideology. For example, the repeated lies on TV which seek to indoctrinate people into thinking that the world is out to get them, or so on.
"My father says that Manners' are just a way of showing other people that you respect them." (Para, Brandan Frazier, in, "Blast From The Past").
The sad thing is that Sheep Pople, with insecurity but no gumption to be accountably offensive, cozy up to these bullies and dividers, who, themselves, cozy up to the dividers higher and higher up the ladder of depravity. Masochists, they are, who grease the wheels of our decline. They go out of their way, they turn like shards of iron to a magnet, to be in awe of or praise little or big acts of rudeness or defiance. "The more you ignore us, the closer we get."
I know that LJ is a place to come to for sanctuary and morilisation/motivation - for support and maybe friendship. And people are always going to be this way, to some degree. I'm not talking about perfect. I'm just talking about better.
Here, and in the social and political worlds, even in economics, if everyone takes on the attitude that he or she alone is above manners, or civility, then who wins? The Ultimate Dividers win. Because all that attitude does, when adopted by the masses, is create uncertainty and fear and greed and blind hate and self-preservation by any means, includning the use Untruth, the use of Manipulation, and the use of Force, or (power/money). Who has all the power and money to stay intact when all about is chaos and untruth? The super-rich do. And these are not Trump or Biden or media celebrities. These are billionaires hidding behind trill-dollar investment companies, land, industries and governments which are the the ultimate bullies telling us what to do and how to think. They are the Supreme Rude Boys.
The funny little thing about excluding based on Trump, or Feminism, or Global Warming, or God, or Conservatism, or Radicalism, or so on, is that we all know, inside us, that there are real benefits from getting along together. There are major advantages in accomodating superficial differences. Aren't there? Not everyone on LJ is a major excluder, certainly. But, if you look all across LJ, and all across society, and even across most isolationist, separatist, anti- this and anti- that groups, what do you see? Men. And women. Opposites attract, don't they, baby?
All societies know this. Most societies have been good at bringing together, as well, the young and the old. American music history is all about the bringing together of various influences and various cultures. Canines and humans? "That's Impossible!" Again, it was the proximate mixing together of the rich/intellectuals with the working class and poor, in cities like Edinburgh, which helped get the thinking and industrial revolutions going. It wasn't gated communities that started robust economics. It wasn't insular urban crime that moved progress along. It wasn't the forcing of one nation's will upon another that really wrote history. It was feeling comfortable, getting along, imagining, sharing, dreaming, exploring, and inventing. In my head, this is what multiculturalism means. Not the revolutionary antagonism that it has become.
Such antagonism, divisiveness, rudeness - it always comes from the top, of groups, and of economies. The exploiters. Who have too much time and money on their hands. You know that, unless you have the protection of a mansion, or security guards, or THE LAW, that if you punch someone in the face, even figuratively, there will be blood. People don't need or want to fight or hate. They just want to mow the lawn. They want a happy little house, with a happy little family, in a happy little neighbourhood, safe from the wolves. That's what most people want.
And the antagonisers, the dividers, the externalisers: That's what they envy.
o_c_c_u_p_y - it isn't just for anarchists.