Eureka moment.

Jan 08, 2022 10:13

I know why the language area of the brain is in the same area as the tool area, the left temporal lobe.  Broca and Wernicke.

Well, I already came to the conclusion that these two aspects belonged together because they both involve logic, and movement through time, (temporal), ergo linear thought, and all that.  This was already my own conclusion.  I have to take credit when I can because the internet is a thief.

Now, I add an important dimension to this strong hypothesis,  It involves the mouth.  Most animals use their mouths somewhat as a means of communication, physically, but more so as a weapon, which is mainly a tool, to get food.  So, what evolved in us as the language/logic left hemisphere started of as the area concerned with animals using their mouths as tools.  Also their throats.  It is possible that this area was once somewhat different earlier on in evolition, but, like a lot of things in our expanding brains, it could have migrated elsewhere - here, to thet left temporal lobe.

Just think of your pet - how it's mouth is so essential not only to eating, but to playing, and to expression.  Most animals don't have hands to do their tool work, and their mouths to do the talking.  They have these two things combined into one, the mouth/throat - often inspired by the stomach, as are so many of our emotions today, (not to mention the microbiota inspiring the stomach in the first place).

How did our hands end up getting represented in that area of our brain?  It started off as hand-to-mouth, and mouth using hands as accompaniament in communication, then a little migration through the rain and, walla walla.  There you have it.  You heard it from the horse's mouth.  Another notch for my virtual tombstone.

Next question is: Where shall the internet one day reside in the brain?  And how will this instrument change how we think, communicate and, maybe evenm, feed ourselves?!

See also tag: "language gene" - which is also very interesting and relevant.

[Here's how you can reach the same Eureka moment: Accidentally end up watching "Teen Wolf", where YouTube takes you to, "Risky Business," but it is not the 80's movie, it is a documentary about the Lincoln Highway, which went through Wyoming, and then youtube will present you with another documentary featuring the ghost city of Kirwin, Wyoming, and a story about one famous man who ended up lassoing seals and polar bears in northern Greenland, and then look at the pictures of the polar bears fighting back with their mouths, and soon you will see everything flash before you like a flash of butter in a hot pan].

brain - neuroplasticity, evolution - language, brain - language, brain - left temporal lobe

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