Dec 11, 2021 05:56

Tossed about like an olive on a salad, I am awake now and I am sticking to the one rule that will eventually save me: Decaf on schedule every morning.  Outside, winds are howling.  And I feel inclined to recline for the weekend and submerge myself in an atmosphere of lonely emergency and quiet despair.  That's the time for writing, which I am sure I must have inheritted from some Celts living on large rocks in the Atlantic where, somehow, there is never any respite from night.  But perhaps I could write despite the stronger storm still coursing through my cranium.  My eyelids flicker and pop like branches in the wind.  since it will never stop, why not keep some record of it?

This town has been slapped with an emergency declaration because too many COVID viruses making holiday visits.  And disaster has hit Kentucky and the Saint Louis area.  Imagine what it would be like to be old and incapacitated and here comes a tornado ripping through your facility and now you have to die like this?  Or you are busting your balls all night under an amazon roof that collapses upon you and your coworkers and all the robots and now your life is done?  So much for technology.

And it's like the whole country is under the gun, dealing with COVID for two years, many losing jobs or homes or lives, and now what, we have to deal with inflation - and war?  It's like you can wake up fast enough or wide enough to catch up with any of this before you are already food for the worms.  And I was thinking of checking out some other apartment because I am not exactly secure and comfortable renting from a crazy person, and I imagined the landlord saying, "Well, someone else wants it.  A young couple, you know, so I will give it to them."  Oh, yes, make way for the young couples.  How about renting to someone who never had a chance to be a young couple in the first place, huh?  I'm not asking to start a new life all I will do is sleep is that so much trouble?  Lol.

Sand in the face since birth.  "Oeeew!!!!!  What's THAT?!!!!!"

Tired.  OK, this post is about silent movies I like.  The first one is the main reason for this post: The Story Of The Weeping Camel."  It's a German-Mongolian movie I have posted about before, but now I have the movie, so you can watch it!  But, first, here is a post relevant to Mongolia.


And a little extra:

Life With Mongolian Nomads (Kate Humble Documentary) | Real Stories - YouTube

Nomadland - YouTube - not sure what this is (!)

And, now here's a movie about Mads Mikkelsen trying to survive in the Arctic, which I could relate to, and found endearing, you may, too, since who knows what is in the cards, this winter,,,

image Click to view

Free - Watch Arctic 2018 full HD on Freemoviesfull.com Free

And here are two movies I have yet to watch, dealing with a true tragedy.  The first is the 1983 Japanese version, and the second is the more modern version, which most of you would probably prefer, )and may have already seen)...

image Click to view

image Click to view

Free -  https://freemoviesfull.com/watch-movie/watch-eight-below-16218

**, countries - japan, countries - mongolia

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