Antisocial Insecurity

Dec 08, 2021 15:05

When I was checking out of my last apartment, sitting on the floor, while the cleaning women buzzed around me, I made calls, mostly updating billers, etc., with my new address info.  I gave up on the Social Security Administration because they leave people hanging on the line ad infinitum.  So, I asked a woman working for the Illinois Dept. of Health Et Al if she would be so kind as to inform the SSA of my new info.  She was very nice, but I don't know if she ever did that.

After getting my phone, here, I have called the SSA countless times, trying to update my information - never getting through.  Several times, they put me through a long process of making sure it was me, and then asking for the amount of my last SS check.  Every time, even if I answer exactly correctly, the automated machine says sorry, goodbye.

Yesterday, I set up Medicare Advantage with a Wisconsin company.  With a nice woman who lived in two dif cities where I had lived.  She told me the application would be rejected if my SS information was not updated.  So I agreed to call the LOCAL SSA office today.  Which I did.  I sat on the phone forever, while my dog kept asking for water, and then, finally, the automated machine basically said, sorry, goodbye.

What do want to bet that the SSA comes after me and/or cuts off my checks because they find out I am no longer at my old address?  So fucked up.  I stopped by that local office some weeks ago and it was like the Third World - like a throng of starving people rushing and crushing to catch little packages of rice, with a big mean tyrant up on the steps, yelling at everyone.  Crazy.  Antisocial insecurity.

This pointless phone call, plus trying to set up rugs to dampen the noise of my dog's giant toenails, pretty much destroyed whatever day I might have had.

dysfunctionalism, social security /administration/ ssa, bs - stupid fucking bullshit

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