Home on the electric range.

Nov 20, 2021 16:06

My internets she is slow like zee womans.  I think it's partly the Saturday effect and also too many tabs.  WiFi is a big improvement over dial-up but not as big as people want to believe.  As bad as dial-up is, it is safer than WiFi, plus less radiation.  And cheaper.

Aside from that, I keep losing internet.  And it is beginning to look like my dog is sometimes causing this.  He sleeps in the living room, and in another room, behind him, is the modem.  It seems that, sometimes, when he gets up or lies down, out goes the internet.  It seems.  I don't know yet.

He doesn't have much variety here.  In our old place, he could sleep on his mat at the intersection of three rooms and a hall.  He could sleep in my bedroom, secretly under a table.  He could go to the back room with me and lie on the futon.  I sometimes let him come up on my bed with me, but that was a thorny rose, partly because the psycho downstairs would retaliate if he ever heard my dog bounce down from the bed and onto his mattress.  Imagine that.  Yes, there are crazy people in the world.  And, imagine them thinking they are more put upon than the disabled.  I'll never understand it.

He could also walk down the stairs and peer out a front window.  So, he could walk around and do this and that, and imagine that he had a life.  Here, he can only lie on his mat in the living room, or he can go into the kitchen, in a huff, and sleep on a rig in the kitchen.  I am not using any other rooms, other than the bathroom.   Because, I don't live here, I bide here.  Even if I see that my sister has OK'd the lease, I am renting for 6 months, and hope to be out of here, for the sole reason that I am renting from a crazy person.

I no longer have to take my dog up and down the street for a walk.  I can walk him out to the deck, hook him up, and he can go about his business.  In fact, I left him outside for a fair while today, after seeing him lounging on the deck in the sunlight.  I have see no threats to him, other than the possibility that the nextdoor neighbour might again try to bring his dog up to mine.   But, it appears to me that the guy is not petty, and won't dwell on it - unlike the urban creeps of yore.

So, he can lie out there, in nice weather.  However, weather is usually not so nice.  And I still have to be dressed to take him out.  The deal was that there would be a fenced-in yard, which would mean I would not have to get dressed for the cold to take him out several times a day.  Try doing that in a heavy CFS relapse.  Almost - and sometimes - impossible  A few years ago, I turned down a mobile home because the park required that I always be out with the dog.  My idea of progress, gained so painfully, is what others think of as being a too-easy life.

The other reason I wanted the promised fenced yard?  Less likely that someone will steal the dog, or poison the dog, or just generally mess with the dog.  And, when a dog is on a leash, the line can soon rust or uncouple, and off goes the dog.  But, the main reason I took this place, on the promise that there would be a fenced-in yard, which there is not, was that my dog could run all around freely.  And maybe with a companion.   But, never mind empathy.  Empathy is not this jurisdiction.  So-called empathy only kicks in upon the shaming of otherwise reliable sisters.  Truth does not make right.  Respect does not make right.  Might does not make right.  Social influence makes right.  The platform is the parent.

All I asked was an enlarged cage and, most probably, there is a threat to evict me still in the works.  I don't care about crap anymore.  I keep my word.  I don't tell lies.  I pay my bills?  WHY?  Because these are less expensive than jerking around with life and getting nothing of substance accomplished.  I can't afford to care about crap, anyway.  When people stop listening to sincere responsibility - what's the point of it?  You want to stick around and continue to be told that you're the reason Hell was invented?

I received my second delivery from Instacart, yesterday.  The first time, the female deliverer was a little off, so I complemented her on her mask.  This time, she was all flirty with me.  Overboard.  The whole reason why she had social problems to begin with.  The whole reason why people don't want to open up.  Because they don't want to get tripped into another landslide.

BUT.  Recall that I had tried to make a deposit at the bank, and 'they' turned me down because my driver's license had expired?  And, 'they' turned me down at the library, for the same reason?  Both refusniks were black females, and thought nothing of rejecting me, while other people looked on at them in disapproval, because they knew I was honest, and had an account there, or so on.  Turning anyone down because the license had expired is completely ridiculous.

THIS female, also black, went out of her way to get my expired DL accepted, because - she had a thing for me?  She saw I was decent and honest and over 21?  I don't know.  She did give me an early Happy Birthday! when she left.  It's just how people are.  They tend to be groupists, and to see others as outsiders, or insiders, especially these days.  And especially when the media keeps beating the drum that white males are racist white supremacist cheating overlords.  My whole life, I have been looking for the humanity in everyone.  And the psychopaths see this, feel a threat to their demented dominion - and in they move.

They don't need no coming together of the races, or of any other group - unless they are at the top, pulling the puppet strings.  That's what this world is about.  A bunch of mud and muck, rising out of the ground, and then bringing us all back down again.

I didn't ask for any of this.  I didn't ask for freedom.  I just want a little less crap!

My internet has become insanely slow. Worse than dial-up. Wtf?!

my dogs - king, moving 2021, psychology - groupism, freedom / freedom freedom / spirit, internet / computer issues - and see bb, frustration / futility

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