How it shakes out.

Oct 16, 2021 16:24

Another bad day, but I was able to get going by noon.  Someday, I will make a graph, which will include this:

1/5th of my awake time = Able to do stuff almost like a normal person, although there may be fatigue, etc.; and my time will be limitted that day, and, any activity, stress or thought will nevertheless result in CFS down-time later, especially if the activity is compounded on top of other activity or stress.  Can go on walks to Walgreens, or such.  Able to talk or do phone calls, but of limitted duration, and causing CFS problems 1-2 days later.

1/5th of my awake time = Some fatigue, migraine, etc., but I can push through without anyone noticing.  However, by pushing myself, I increase the intensity and duration of consequent down-time, and increase the likelihood than any additional effort will be painful of impossible, during the 'comet tail' or wake of this activity.  Can putter or go outside with dog, clear poop, etc.  Mowing lawn is possible but not advisable, due to heart issues, usually.  Able to talk or do phone calls through a broken brain.

1/5th of my awake time = I am able to push through with much difficulty, and only for a brief duration.  Can make a sandwich, for example, so long as I have rested enough before hand, and go right back to bed.  Can do a thing or two as they may occur to me, so long as I am well rested.  Must avoid people when out with dog.  Not able to converse or do phone calls, unless I am feeling masochistic.

1/5th of my awake time = Very disabled.  Unable to leave bed except for basic necessities.  usually don't want much or any food.  Not interested in music or talk radio.  Ability to write on LJ is limitted to reposting other people's posts, or such.  No phone calls or interaction with people.

1/5th of my awake time = Completely confined to bed, and literally unable to get up, even if the house were on fire.  I'd probably prefer becoming toast than this.  Although, not really capable of preferring.  Just agony and anguish.  All alone.  For many years.  And people keep popping into my life thinking they haev the right to tell me what to do.  Go make the blind see, the lame walk and turn water into wine - go have this illness for decades - and then maybe I'll consider your advice.  When I am up there at the top of this list.  Because, otherwise, you look like a foreign cartoon to me.

Actually, #1 is wrong.  I don't spend one out of 5 days feeling pretty normal.  That's too high.

What I have done, so far, today: Had a green tea.  Started a different post.  Had another green tea.  Lots of resting.  Didn't get moving until noon.  (Said that already).  Cleaned away a bag of grain cereal mice had exploited.  At some point, had 'tomato soup' and a mini-taco cheese toasty w/ lettuce.  Got into outside clothes.  Took out a whole bunch of recyclables and junk.  This wore me out, so back to bed.  Packed up my stereo.  Then I spent a lot of time and energy packing my two speakers, plus lawn mower stuff, into one box.  The metal bar for the mower bag protrudes out from that bag, but I am proud of it.  back to bed for a while.

Cleaned the stereo area, and packed away extension cords.  Tried to think of how to destroy more food for lunch, and came up with idea of a hot dog sandwich, w/ tomato and lettuce, which was pretty good.  Had some chick peas, olives and fermented V8 to countre-act the turkey meat.  Soon, I will pick up all the plastic bags in the corner of the kitchen, keep some, and put the rest of them into my bag of bags, throw that in the recycle bin, and let the sorters figure it out.  After that, I may tape up my big kitchen box, and start puttering in the back room.  I decided to do all this rather than make calls, or even consider going to the library, because I need to get it behind me.  When I feel well, I actually like doing this.  But, doing it every day makes me not so well

moving 2021, my cfs diary (2021)

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