Parasitic liars - (This Is Not A Test - Part 1)

Oct 07, 2021 22:37

Well, they have been extending their unscientific mandates into everyone's business; they are telling the banks to report most of your bank activity to them; they are banning and shadow-banning alternative opinions via Big Tech; they are "cracking down on Facebook," (with the help of Facebook), to save teen girls from Instagram shaming and conservative "misinformation," they are destroying the society by unleashing millions of immigrants, many infected with COVID, into the country; they are destroying the economy with inflation from their unprecedented spending...

What aren't they doing to destroy this country?  Rolling over for China on Afghanistan, and importing hundreds of Taliban terrorists, and illnesses?  Leaving thousands of Americans, who could vote conservative, behind - just as they refuse Cuban refugees into this country?  Should we remember all the Antifa/BLM riots wielding death destruction, while many who protested at the Capitol remain locked in solitary confinement?  Tampering with the election and spreading racist CRT hate and division?

This is more than evil, and it has nothing to do with what party they belong to, what hypocritical ideology these espouse.  This is the continuation of the rolling coup, which I have written about, and which is leading towards a globalist corporatist collapse of the country, into Chinese-style, third-world level statism.  War is coming behind this, and still many people are just lapping it up, or standing aside and letting it happen.  The same people who completely believed their, "Russian Collusion," "Ukraine Scandal," and countless other misinformation campaigns, supported by a puppet media.

That Justice Department decision to come to the aid of some political insiders making very shoddy, contrived complaints about teen girls suffering on the Internet?  Also adding that white supremacists must also be stopped, by the FBI, and whatever the Patriot Act supposedly allows?  It was fabricated.  Another lie.  Everyone knows what's going on on the internet.  Suddenly, one or two people shed crocodile tears, and there's a great, manufactured outcry, repeated through media, with the attorney general all ready and set to go into action.  It's generally known, by virtually everyone, that this was bullshit.

And they want to crack down on any parents who speak up, in the politically incorrect way, at school board meetings - across the country.  FBI agents are supposed to meet with Sheriffs, related to 1,400 school districts, in order to weed out political dissent.  That means that some parents that you may know will disappear, or merely get hassled, or intimidated into shutting up.  Meanwhile, information will be gathered on everyone.

And this, too, is being premised on fabricated evidence.  Lies.  In the middle of September, the Biden administration, the Justice department, got together with Teacher's Unions, etc., to manufacture a false drama, where, again, one or two connected unknowns make scanty or false charges.  And, five days later, the Justice Department is going into action, with this vast FBI intimidation of innocent parents.  Of free speech.  Of individual security.  And rights.

It's an assault on everything American.  Justified by a fake letter, conspired from within.  And Jill Ptaki, another obvious psychopath, insists that the nationwide raid is necessary because threats of violence are bad.  For one thing, only one instance of a threat of violence was reported.  In all the schools and boards and meetings across the country, over years.  Why aren't they cracking down on BLM/Antifa, instead bailing them out of jail?  Because its an attack on the country.  It's an attack.  And Democrats are going to get hit, too.

Furthermore, the Federal government has no legal business in these local and state matters.  It's an attack.  It's coming from very evil and destructive forces both internal and external.  Again: War is coming.

Here is Mark Levin, exposing the artificial genesis of this very grave parent trap.  He gets into about 15 minutes into the show, I believe...

image Click to view

Or hereOr here.

Again: It doesn't matter that Biden's popularity is down to 38%. They are following an ulterior agenda. Do you think the alliance of the media and of digital Big Tech and of bureaucratic layers and intelligent agents, with backing of Soros and China, would be unable to let these crooked bastards win again, and again? This is a whole different world, and many people are not awakening to it. Just like most people believe there can be no such thing as psychopaths. When they come for you, you'll see the lies.

**, s- 'this is not a test' (series), lies / lying / liar liars, biden - joe biden, levin - mark

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