a litera

Sep 09, 2021 20:03

Well, I ignored organising and packing completely, and concentrated entirely on doing a mission to downtown today.  Spent a lot of time going through some papers.  Got a few letters together, including one or two applications for credit cards, just because.  Then I began a letter-writting blitz - something I have been incapable of doing for several days because of my CFS, esp. the frontal migraine thingie.

- Letter to Primary.
- Letter to CFS doctor.
- Notes to Aldi's, F&F and Walgreens
- One big long letter to the owner of the house.

Left around 2:30pm.  Mailed the letters that were ready.  Tried the ATM at the bank, which didn't work.  Went inside bank to do withdrawal, and also to retrieve one of my IDs they had found a month or so - (I had forgotten about it).  Woman who attended me was Polish, chat chat.

Went to coin store.  Decided not to sell anything, but did pay $115 to have an important coin sent off to Florida to be appraised.

Went to library.  In the middle of making an Instacart order, Microsoft took over my computer for almost a half an hour, doing updates.  Aghh!  Finished writing the long letter to house owner.  Put letters on thumbdrive, ran to a library computer, word-checked and processed, printed them out, put the long letter to owner in an envelope and ran outside, 5 minutes late, as the mailman finished emptying the three street boxes.  "Mailman!  Mailman!" I yelled, running frantically through a small park.  He finally stopped and turned.  So I didn't bite him.  Good boy.  But this running was really bad for me.

Went back into library and found addresses for the two doctor letters, enveloping them.  By the time I was ready to look up contact info for all my leads on CL, it was already past 6:pm.  So, I just couldn't let my dog keep waiting.  When I got home, no harm had been done to the carpet.  So, a somewhat accomplished day.  I am hoping to extend this window of CFS opportunity tomorrow by going to the DMV, and hopefully taking a driver's test, although I don't have a car.

I've been going to sleep early lately, to push back CFS as much as possible, as I take on all this activity.  I'll get around to posting the letter to the house owner, in a few days.  It tells the story of my imprisonment here, and abuse by the other prisoners.  Got to plan on sleep, now.  Someone's been splurging on my LJ posts today.  Who was it?  Was it you?!

I have heart pain at the moment.  Goodnight.

moving 2021

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