The Noble Mind of Hidin' Biden.

Aug 23, 2021 06:03

There was a candidate or two who suggested that Biden could be incompetent for the job - because of age, or whatever.  After that, and he signed up one of the most unpopular contenders to be his running mate., everyone was mumm regarding any possible flaw in Biden.  Because the whole point was to defeat Trump.  According to them, Trump was a lying, incompetent, insensitive, cheating, colluding, etc., pawn of foreign powers.  He actually had a plan to get us out of Afghanistan, possibly called the Planistan, which involved TALKING TO THE TALIBAN, OMG!  He was so crazy that the Dems wanted to take away his power to push the NUKE Button.  They claimed he was going to try to steal the election.  They said he was a fuck-up on COVID.  And so on.  So what they do?  They put in an old, lying, cheating, insensitive fuck-up, pretty much fitting their own definition of Trump.  CarrrrAzy!

I've been posting about the problem of, "Democrats In Denial," for years, now.  You get ANY party, pushing and pushing to win and control it all - you get it's members all trying to outdo each other in their commitment to THE CAUSES, and eventually everyone in the party is part of one big ballooning of denial.  So, what happens with people in denial is that they project and blame their faults on chosen targets, and evade all responsibility for their own crimes.  What's going to happen when people like that are put in power?  Policies which create the exact opposite of what they propose to do.

Handing out trillions of dollars to help people only results in spiralling inflation that will hurt the poor, and increase relative government expense.  Proposing to help people at the border only leads to mass immigration congested with rape and drugs and COVID, which then contaminates actual citizens, when the administration has been saying that it is trying to reduce COVID.  Telling people he is tough on China, Biden opens up Afghanistan to China's plunder.  Saying he wants to end war, he increases the prospect of violence and American deaths in Afghanistan.  Many other examples of the glaring hypocrisy and double standards... Son-of-Cuomo is adamant that is helping people with a policy which contributes to the deaths of thousands of people: a massacre...

When things get this twisted by denial in a society, then those who can profit from the lies become elevated into positions of power.  For example, (and I am not saying this is true, it is just an example): Along comes COVID, so people are told to stray inside, (even though that may increase cases of COVID).  The stated aim is to help people.  In fact, there are massive small business failings, etc., whereas Big Tech, Amazon, Instacart, etc., all make out like bandits.  Whether or not these companies actually pushed the policy of locking down prior to the pandemic, suddenly they wind up pushing for continuations of lockdowns, (reminiscent of many teachers' unions).  Because they profit from the lockdowns.  And they push the lie that lockdowns should continue almost perpetually.  Because of profit, they are now involved in selling a lie which was originally a claim that people would be helped.  This is just a hypothetical example.

But, you see, forces looking for money and power immediately rush to reinforce the falsehoods that grew out of the denial of original claims to help people.  Similarly, politicians will support lies - about the competence of a company (Enron) for example - so they can pocket some laundered cash.  Biden's son - being bought by foreign agents under the lie of selling his art.  Wherever there may be opportunity to make money, bastard people will rush in to exploit it, even if it is covered in lies.

So, the more a society is denial, the more claims turn into lies and so offer new opportunities for the bastard people.  It's a whole nuther economy feasting off of the lawful one - off the expectations and habits and hopes etc. of conventional businesses which are just straining and straining to make a profit legitimately.  And they are straining and straining because of the ambient competition of other players, like Big Tech, billionaires, or China.  The more this presses the legit economy, the more denial emerges in politics, the more corruption and lies turn the truth upside down, and the more the lying, cheating bastard people gain power, subverting the lawful economy, i.e., people.

So, Biden has always been good at lying, to serve some political aim.  Anyone can research this and see it is true.  Compare him to a soldier, who will fight and fight for principle, as laid down by authority.  Biden will lie and lie for some political aim because he is noble - for the party.  But the party has been getting more and more into denial, and Biden has been getting more senile*, that Biden's lies have been getting more glaringly detached from actual reality.  This detachment has been obvious during the border crisis, (which follows a lie and is actually contrived to bring in more people to vote Democrat).

But the news wasn't covering that aspect.  Now, with the Afghanistan debacle, Biden's lies have become noticeably absurd and obscene.  Too many to note.  But, "ISIS isn't there," or, "I have received only positive support from world leaders," are two of the most recent.  The Democrat-alligned press has finally realised that this guy is a major liability, and so they are finally criticizing Biden.  Whether they think we will be better with Harris or Pelosi, idk.  Two other pathological liars.  This is the same press - and big tech - which banned any news on the Biden laptop scandal, just to assure that Biden would win.  The same crown who sought to prohibit anyone from suggesting that the election may have been stolen.  The same gang who prohibitted people from discussing the possibility that the COVID virus could have originated from a lab.  And so on.  These people don't change their tune unless they've got some new game going on.

Only a few days ago, Biden gave a puff interview to democrat-operative George Stephanopolis.  The latter was praise for being hard on Biden, by, lol, spoon-feeding him, "And?  And?  What next?  Bueller?  Bueller?"  In fact, ABC cut out some of the interview, to prevent the public from seeing some more of Biden's gaffs or lies.  They are one and the same, by now.  This was only a few days ago.  It's been going on for years.  Imagine if people were actually allowed to SEE the gaffs - or lies - prior to them having to deal with the surprise of finding Biden, I don't know, encouraging the torture of thousands of Americans, and saying that the world community supports everything he's been doing - when in fact NATO is talking about reforming WITHOUT THE USA because of this complete fuck-up of a president?  Here we go...

STEPHANOPOULOS: I- I think a lot of- a lot of Americans, and a l- even a lot of veterans who served in Afghanistan agree with you on the big, strategic picture. They believe we had to get out. But I wonder how you respond to an Army Special Forces officer, Javier McKay (PH). He did seven tours. He was shot twice. He agrees with you. He says, “We have to cut our losses in Afghanistan.” But he adds, “I just wish we could’ve left with honor.”

BIDEN: Look, that’s like askin’ my deceased son Beau, who spent six months in Kosovo and a year in Iraq as a Navy captain and then major- I mean, as an Army major. And, you know, I’m sure h- he had regrets comin’ out of Afganista- I mean, out of Iraq.

ABC accused of Biden car-crash interview cover-up: Transcripts show president mistakenly said son Beau served in Afghanistan and in the Navy when he was in the Army and never toured Kabul

ABC News Appears To Have Not Aired 900+ Words From Biden During Interview On GMA. Here They Are.

Full Transcript

* - In the past, Biden has received two surgeries on the brain, following STROKE.  Parts of the fore-brain were removed.  I think of it as him having blown out the Truth part of his brain.  I don't know if you've known anyone who has had a stroke, but, as they age, the cognitive progress they made after the stroke tends to decline.  So, Biden's capacity to flip thoughts around, and to see if his claims accord to reality, has apparently also diminished over time and along with stress.  Now he is just a lie-producing machine, and he thinks that's just fine, because he has gotten away with mistruths so adroitly in the past.  Back when they were just noble ventures for the Cause.  "What a good Catholic am I!"  (See also "Pelosi").  If you spend your life always trying to put ends before means, eventually you become brain-addled.  One way or another.  That holds true for societies as well as individuals.

corruption, brain - stroke, politics - democrats in denial, psychology - denial - group, biden - joe biden, countries - afghanistan

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