I'd like to spend some time in Mozambique.

Aug 18, 2021 18:56

Me gottem biggum brain buggum.  Grrrr.  I did do the very long trek, and it was very difficult.  I thought this was Wednesday?  So, I don't know why there was no farmers' market downtown.  But, I dropped off the two DVDs at the library, and proceeded towards the far-flung Walgreens.  I passed a line of little old houses crammed together, which I always wondered if living there would be full of neighbour problems.

Sitting on some front steps was a black dude, while his two friends were nearby on the porch.  I gave this guy a nod and he nodded exuberantly back.  In my experience, this is always followed by some kind of shame-based retaliation soon afterwards.  Soon enough, his friends were yelling at me.  The day was very hot and humid and tensions were rising, as was my headache.  In Walgreens, I became exasperated with waiting, and started jumping back and forth between countres.

Travelled back home, with some rest-stops along the way.  My dog was still under the large table in my bedroom.  So, I gave him a chicken thigh.  He started coughing a wheezy cough, as a bone was stuck in his throat.  Pretty bad.  That's the first time this has really happened.  It sounded like the end was near.  So, I ran around to try to help him, and he had solved the problem and continued on eating.  So, statistically, I won't have to worry about this again for several years.  He'll die of other causes.

Rested, and then took dog out.  The neighbourhood is again in deep decline.  That's what happens when idiots like A-hole Guy rent out to the wrong people, who see a virtue in aggressive pittbulls, and gather a crowd of angry jackasses in their front lawns.  Earlier, just as I was leaving on my trek, Bigfoot walked around the corner with his new white girlfriend, and he was making all these shouting noises to impress her.

Anyway, when I was out again later, a black guy and his old white girlfriend took quick note of my dog coming down my steps.  I gave a smile, but their conversation was toxic, calling me nigger, and warning about what would happen if my dog did whatever.

I was holding my dog back, to let them round the corner.  But, on hearing this crap, I decided to proceed with my usual walk, like they weren't there.  Which, as chance would have it, followed them down the sidewalk.  The little old girlfriend kept looking back in fear, as the black dude accelerated across the street.  As usual, after my dog did his bit at the corner traffic light, we doubled back.  And I could hear the little woman shouting to her pal that I was taking the dog back to my house.  Because the guy was obviously putting up some bluster, now that the "danger" had passed.  So, now I've got to be alert for this guy showing up and banging on my door in the middle of the night, or whatnot.  Idiots.

Meanwhile, some guy down the street had been yelling, and was in some kind of fight.  As I sat down with my dog on my porch steps, he is walking this way, shouting and cursing.  So, when he is near, I go, "That's a nice T-shirt!"  He gave me a big, "Thank you!'  "Yeah, I really like it!"  So, you can't say that my psych major was a total waste.  (It was a BS, btw, lol, rts).  Here's something I tried to post last night.  If you have wight issues, you might get upset, so don't read it.

Last night:

Another very fatigued day.  It's a toss-up whether I can do the long trek tomorrow.

Well, I am up at 3:30am eating cashews.  Which is not sensible.  Can anyone guess why I like cashew halves more than whole cashews?  (I should do an idiosyncrasy quiz sometime).

Speaking of health, I received the latest flier-mag from the local hospital.  There are five hospital people grouped together, smiling on the cover.  And they are all way overweight.  It just boggles my mind how people don't see these sorts of disconnects.  Why would I want to go to a hospital where the workers are all overweight?  How many of them are smoking in linen closets?  How many of them eat cows, binge-drink or work as street-walkers?  I wouldn't want to have surgery amongst all those large things for fear of becoming a feast, to disappear forever.

There they are smiling from the cover - and what is on their minds?  What do you want from me?!

(This country.  Why do we do nothing about our friends in Hong Kong?  In Iran?  In Afghanistan?  In Central Asia?  In Cuba?  In Taiwan...?  It's because the majority of Americans have become self-centred, seething, passive-aggressive fat-asses.  Kiss the West goodbye).

My CFS doctor was once again featured in that mini-mag.  I think it's just because he has a Brooklyn accent, like Fauci.  Some woman started wheezing and coughing, and feared she had COVID.  But my doctor decided to run a test that takes 3 days to come back, and it was correct: She had mycoblastoma, a fungal thing.

I recall trying to tell him how important a factor is yeast in CFS, and he wouldn't have it.  (There's a big stigma against that idea amongst most doctors).  Maybe he's turned over a new leaf.  I haven't seen him years, btw.  I got a little grossed out by having to look up into the thicket of white hairs in his tiny nostrils.

With a nose like that who needs masks?

I was out with dog a little while ago, (3:am).  A-hole Guy was having some kind of argument with his neo-wife, outside his car, which is now further up the street, (meaning A-hole Guy isn't constantly looking and listening out a window next-door, ready to pounce on me for anything.  (His neo-wife also once lived next-door, and was a best friend of Nether Girl, who lived downstairs).  Maybe this woman is waking up to how such an Alpha Male psycho just might not be great to be married to.  But, even if she sees this, the chance is that she will stay with him, learning to love the dysfunction, as is the way here.  Oh - last night - I believe I heard a bunny rabbit being killed by a raccoon.  It was sad and other-worldly, the sounds.

Some nice songs from the still-living Bob Dylan, ("Desire" album) ...

image Click to view

Romance In Durango

Black Diamond Bay

There's no rush on me posting about Afghanistan, since some people in the mainstream media are actually covering the issue.  But no one is presenting the China angle, and that's what I'll get to.  Goodnight for now.

PS - Dead raccoon in middle of street, up where I heard those noises.

my day journeys / day treks, music - dylan bob, my neighbours, idiots

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