Another Conspiracy Theory

Jun 30, 2021 11:29

Note: The AP was once a very unbiased news service.  It was probably the last to become biased to the left.  (I don't know what ever happened to UPI).  When there's an incriminating story coming out of an oppositely biased news source, that's when you know you're near the truth.  You have to read between the lines of this article to see the  large-scale implications).

Error mars vote count in NYC mayoral primary
NEW YORK (AP) - The Democratic primary for mayor of New York City was thrown into a state of confusion Tuesday when election officials retracted their latest report on the vote count after realizing it had been corrupted by test data never cleared from a computer system.. The bungle was a black mark on New York City’s first major foray into ranked choice voting and seemed to confirm ... FULL ARTICLE HERE

Note: The term, "Conspiracy Theory," was concocted by the FBI following the assassination of JFK.  It was a means to dismiss alternate ideas concerning perpetrators of that incident.  It was quickly discovered that using the term, "Conspiracy Theorist," could be a useful tool in dismissing and marginalising people or groups who had ideas not in accordance to those supported by the (deep) state.  These terms have been utilized, ever since, to great effect.  The top levels of the FBI, NSA, etc, have been corrupted by politicization, and has amplified such marginalisation to dangerous degrees, leading to the imprisonment, disbarring, and probably deaths, of innocent people exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.  The term, "terrorist," has now become another such tool. (During my college studies, I was warned to expect this).

PS - Looks like there will be a few 'political' posts coming up.  Presently, I am working my way up to going downtown and doing some things.  Tomorrow: Giant trek to F&F, etc.  Friday or weekend: Mow lawn, maybe deal with giant weeds at far side of house.  I am doing this despite not being fully recovered from megarelapse.  So, that means I will be disabled again soon.  Sorry.

music - musical trends, politics - corruption, terrorism and so-called terrorism, cities - nyc - new york city new york, art - trends in art, politics - elections - voting machines, my cfs diary (2021), politics - election interference, politics - election fraud, social trends / pop trends, trends / global trends

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