Escape From Wuhan!

May 26, 2021 10:08

Ever see that movie, "Escape From New York."  It's nothing special, but it is often referred to by social commentators as a representation of a trend towards more crime and therefore more government control.  NYC becomes so rife with crime that the authorities decide to turn the whole thing into a prison - where gangs of countless criminals duke it out amongst themselves.  One small group, apparently innocent, makes an attempt to escape from the place.  (I am reminded of a portion of, "Hunger Games").

I can see a new, for-the-times, reinterpretation of this movie being made.  Except, this time, it will be set in China - Wuhan, precisely.  There will be spy intrigue and action around the wet markets.  Meanwhile, viruses plan their escape from the WIV lab.  There are WHO, NIH and New York officials sitting around, involved in the scheme.  Scientists get sick, and try to escape the lab, and then Wuhan, but the PRC government comes after them and they, well, they disappear, which can cause concerns regarding a possible sequel.

Scientists, and several other people, are disappeared by the government, as they seek to Escape From Wuhan.  Millions of people try to leave the city, but it is locked down like a prison.  Trapped like pangolins.  Oh, the lost luster and glory of Wuhan!  No longer are people flocking to it's bustling art scene, nightlife and public Uyghur castrations.  Instead, everyone is trying to leave!  Foreigners, in Wuhan and across China, somehow manage to get out of the country, and bring their Sino Momentos back to their children and friends in Italy, Iran, Brazil, Los Angeles, and a theatre near you!

Yes, there was a window of opportunity for foreigners to leave the country, lasting a number of weeks, by the beneficence of the Chinese Central Committee, which is analogous, here in the USA, to the DNC.  But, wait!  Why did they cover up the fact that the virus had escaped their lab in Wuhan, when they were being so nice to foreigners, allowing them to be so free and Western, in that oh-so-familiar infested way?!  Most people have heard that China really cares about people and freedom of information and cleanliness, the latter being so close to Godliness.  So, why was China lying about the viral escape from Wuhan?!

It's because, as we all have learnt by now, there is no escape from Wuhan.  Wuhan walks amongst us now, skirting past our flesh, wafting into our ear canals and, often, invading our ACE2 receptors and making us ill, and killing us, if we're old or already going to die.  When you put two and two together - a genetically engineered virus, allowed to freely infect the planet, is blamed on the U.S. military; is covered up by China, the WHO, and the DNC; is allowed to kill thousands in nursing homes; is used as a means of controlling the public and getting Biden elected, and decimates the U.S. economy relative to that of China.

2 + 2 = This was planned.  At least virtually.  In spirit.  They have successfully removed Trump.  They have ruined our economy.  YThey have demoralised our culture.  They have inspired a conspiracy of American Marxists.  Violence is up in large cities.  Cancel culture is hamstringing just about everyone, while sports stars, politicians and corporations are sloushing towards China, looking for handouts.  Michael Cena apologised to China for calling Taiwan a country - which is what it is - speaking in Chinese.  Later that day, he receives $160 million dollars, $136 million of which was from China.

The Communist Central Committee has been circulating in millions - probably billions - of people's bloodstreams.  The prison is nano-sized, and operating from within.  Like the toxoplasmosis bacteria taking over the brain of a cat, the Wuhan virus is making you put on masks, and stay at home, while outside, China and Soros and Big Tech are funding riots in the streets which have destroyed black and business districts with over $2 billion of damage - not to mention thousands injured and dozens killed.  You are a prisoner in your own home town - in your own body - in your own mind.

There is no escape from Wuhan!  Unless, and until you awake from Wuhan, stop believing the propaganda, and start sorting out what is real, what is garbage, and who's to blame.

It's time to go home.  The movie is over.  The monsters are puppets, and the flight has ended.   The Wuhan flew.  Not you.  Next time, be careful what you ask for, because just it might come true.

all * decadence / depravity, countries - china, movies - 'escape from new york', cities - wuhan china, health - v - coronavirus sars2 covid-19, whores for money, my satire, my funny posts - and see funny, cena - michael, bb - conspiracies

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