
Feb 18, 2021 19:00

A woman expresses to her husband that he doesn't appreciate her enough, anymore.

"It seems like the only time you want me is for sex.  You never share your feelings, the way I want you to."

"I do share my feelings but you cut me off.  You don't let me.  Let me ask you: What if Ryan Gosling came along and wanted to adore you sexually, nothing personal, no chit chat.  You didn't even know me.  What would you say to that?"

"If I didn't know you - of COURSE I would accept it.  He's Ryan Gosling!"

"And also has a lot of money, etc."


"Well, the only difference is that you want sex from him because you are honouring or worshiping him, and you are not honouring or worshiping me."

"I'm not going to honour or worship you!"

"But you did, at one time.  And you stopped"

"But that's because you stopped sharing your feelings."

"No.  That was because you no longer saw my feelings, because you stopped honouring me. And so you stopped wanting sex, and saw me as ONLY wanting sex."

"Oh, so all this is my fault?!"

"Maybe it is.  Or maybe it's just that it isn't all my fault, which you are trying to believe."

"You mean like the Democrats?"

"Yes, my dear.  Just like the Democrats."

politics - dnc/ democratic party/ demsca, psychology - blame the victim, my parables, communication - miscommunication, psychology - sexual desire, gosling - ryan, pride and prejudice

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