eating the past

Dec 06, 2020 20:16

I have sore legs from walking yesterday. So what? Well, this pain usually takes days, or even a week, to show up after exertion, because of the CFS. Between the exertion, and the time the pain shows up, I am deep in a relapse. Today is different. All because of the witch hazel?! I have learnt not to jump to concussions, however. Must study things scientifically, as usual.

I have been pushing back the remains of the same 'headache'. Lazy Sunday. I'd like to do some serious posts, but it's too late now. I was thinking of hand-washing whites today, but nah. Tomorrow, I plan a long day at la biblioteque where, among other things, I will try to order groceries online - because I can't do it here. Btw - computer/net continues to be exceedingly slow, which is another reason for no posts today. I am also being bombasted by phalanxes of BOTZIES.

I boiled up a good amount of fishy potato soup that had been sitting in my freezer for 7 years, I believe. Haven't tasted it yet. It was packed in one of my 4 excellent plastic rectangular containers. I use the other three for freezing/storing dog's wet mix. I expect I may be throwing it out, as unfrozen potatoes are always icky.

Omeletman and the naked druggies I posted about were not in Russia, (even though I continue to think of that barebutt lady as being in Russia). They are all, in fact, in Tel Aviv. I dropped the subscription, not because most everyone was Jewish, but because the posts take up too much space. And because I suspected a security threat. I am, in fact, positively inclined towards Jewish people, these days. My past has a very intense mixed bag of relations with Jews, which I may post about some time. In the mean time, hear this nice Morrissey song about Israel, Jews and their sexy bodies...

Unable to post actual video. -

Video -

Morrissey defends Israel -

Morrissey defends Israel -

I also pulled up this tag for possible use in a post. You can have fun reading about mass extinctions in the mean time. PS - I'm keeping the chowder. It's good - and hot spicy!

religion - jews / jewish / influence, music - morrissey / smiths, my cfs diary (2020), countries - israel

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