Oct 21, 2020 21:51
Well, I did another trek today, which was a repeat of yesterday, 9:am-11:am. Yesterday's occurred before long relapse was over, and had an impact, including cramped legs. So, this one, on top of that, had a bigger impact, requiring me to do fast breathes for hours afterwards. Despite being stronger while walking, carrying the heaviest load yet, this year, it also left my legs super-cramped and trying to lock up. Even my hands tried to lock up, and they were never exercised much, really. Eventually ate corn flakes, and later, cooked up salmon and a great side dish which was mostly veggies and the leftover rice from the last time. My muscles will need that meat. Went to sleep after taking dog out, around 6:30pm. Woke up 9:30pm, and saw I could watch Modern Family, which is what I will do. Have been playing a George-Harrison-centric mix most of the day - it lasts 16 hours. Nothing much happened during the trek. Aldi's check-out guy was that guy I wrote about before, who wanted to say hi, chat. Same today, but I ran to a quicker register. I think, when we ever talk next, I will open with, "Are you going to college?" Because I know he should. He seems intelligent. And the fact that he looks like Barack Obama may be a sign he is destined for greatness. Or, maybe that association has tarnished a bit by now.
my day journeys / day treks