Multigenerational Mayhem.

Jul 29, 2020 15:14

Antifa Terrorist Who Threw Bomb at Federal Agents in Portland is Identified -- BY HIS GRANDMOTHER!

Here he is with a naked protester, of course.

Vandalism and riots have been going on in Portland, along with "mostly peaceful" protests, for over two months, inspiring those in Seattle to ramp it up again. More than graffiti, professional fireworks and military mortars have been fired at the courthouse. As part of the attack, "protestors," (almost all white), attempted to move metal fencing around the courthouse to protect their ambush. Police inside the courthouse stated that they were surrounded by people who wanted to kill them, and so were, of course, fearful. Because they are human beings. Who matter.

After weeks of this, under statutory law, Trump sent in the DHS, an agency was created in order to protect Federal property and workers, to combat terrorism, and defend the country against enemies, foreign and domestic. I wasn't in favour of the DHS ever being created, but there were gaps and deficiencies left, as far as the ATF, IRS, Treasury, BLM, FBI or CIA being effective in confronting large scale attacks. The rioters in Portland are quite clearly acting in terrorism, demanding changes, like those in Seattle, or else continuing the destruction up until the national election, and Trump is defeated. That is terrorism. Just like far-right groups who get violent, and just like the Taliban, blowing up statues of alternate religious figures.

The DHS went in, dressed in unmarked vehicles and camouflage in order to observe and swiftly snag those rioters (terrorists) who were responsible for the attacks. DHS officers did, nevertheless, wear clear indentification - bot NOT their personal names, because that would endanger their, and their families' safety, because of the fact that others had been doxxed by the protestors - another tactic of terrorism. Meanwhile, the police (in Seattle?) decide to stop using pepper spray or resisting in any way.

Stupidly, the Portland mayor, like the mayor of Chicago, demanded that the Feds leave Portland, which was 'capable of taking care of itself'. After two months of violence. The mayor, who is also police commissioner, declared there was no violence in Portland, on video, which is widely contradicted by reality. Cowardly Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler REFUSED To Stop Antifa.

When the protestors got to his house, he was a tad miffed - just like that BLM supporter egging the violence on until his the Starbucks downstairs from his apartment was set ablaze. Same deal with so many top Dems and Hollywood people, tweeting in support because they all live well out of harm's way.

My heart goes out to the countless naive peaceful protestors who bizarrely believe it is fine to stand by the terrorists. But terrorists is what they are, just as Antifa is a terrorist organisation, and BLM is run by revolutionary antisemites, while both are funded by destructionist, George Soros, as well as China and Big Tech. Innocent Dems are being manipulated towards tragic causes, with the common denominator being hatred - to undermine Trump by any means. The ends are before the means, which is the premise of all violence.

As far as the militants in Seattle, who took over public and private property, and who's groups avow themselves to be Marxist and revolutionary, there is an old law on the books, when the Communist Party was outlawed in the USA, that any Marxist group which seizes any USA land can be attacked and destroyed by the military. Trump is always criticised for being extreme, and even somehow causing all this violence, yet he has chosen NOT to go into Seattle with such force. According to law, the president has the right to shut down all of this BS, which Dem cities are incapable of doing.

The leaders just keep bending and bending like the Beast towards Beijing. China? Add this to my recent post... Look at the cities most racked by this civil dissonance - after being hit by the coronavirus: Seattle, Los Angeles and Portland. Another coincidence? All on the west coast. Perfect stepping stones, should China ever resort to invading, ("defending itself").

NOT saying this is going to happen. But China plays the long game - planning 50 years ahead of the present. If China thinks there will be a war between itself and the USA sometime way down the road, I am sure it would want to see favourable conditions waiting to help it win. Priming for success.  Where did "take-a-knee" start? In the China-manipulated NBA. All the Dems are screaming about Russian interference which is largely nonexistent, when the real threat is precisely what their leaders are covering up. Bait and switch. Bait and switch.

A grandma buying her son a bullet-proof vest - so he can play terrorist - just betrays the idiocy of these deluded Porlandians. Deluded and insane. More about how and why later.

shocking twist. The guy who threw an IED at the Portland courthouse was identified in a review by his grandma who bought his gear. This might be the most embarrassing defeat of antifa yet. Grandmas lil revolutionary. Retweet for luls. Archive

Just a little more. Look up the England Riots of 2011. That's the year, also, of the Madison protests, (see madison_fights), the Arab Spring, and the OccupyWallstreet movement, (see o_c_c_u_p_y). George Soros stepped in to help fund the latter, but then bait-and-switched to fund the Michael Brown, Fergusen, etc., protests. Because he seeds dissent, racism, and destruction of nation-states. I suspect that Soros was also behind the England Riots. What happened during these riots? It was a test-run for today's riots. The police stood down for three days, which only encouraged increased violence and looting.

Finally, I recommend listening to Ben Shapiro, (Wikipedia -, for some sane perspective on the riots and their rationalisations. In fact, if you have forever, go back and start at late May, when it all began. If you have ADHD, then great, because Ben Shapiro talks so fast that you are compelled to listen or die. My main complaint against him is that he has an incorrect view on transgender, (and LGBT rights), which I believe is a real medical condition, and so should be treated with compassion. Still, I highly recommend Shapiro for other reasons - Show - (note that a guest host is doing the show today).
YouTubePodcastsDaily WireWLS [Show airs (USA weekdays) 2-5:pm Central; 7-9:am UTC/GMT]

See also tags: antifaprotests / protesters - blm/antifa riots

Some NEWSWARS links...
BLM Blocks Highway, Detains Pregnant Woman on Way to Give Birth
Portland Fines Federal Government $500 For Every 15 Minutes Courthouse Remains Fenced
Portland Rioters Laugh At Thought Of Dead Police: “If One Of Them Cops Got Killed, Good”
Police Quit Agreements to Provide Security at DNC Convention
Murders Continue to Surge in Democrat-Controlled Cities
Austin, Texas Mayor Calls For Taking “Guns Off The Street”
Crime Is Skyrocketing All Over America And Police Officers Are Committing Suicide
Violent Crime Explosion Forces Minneapolis Residents to Form Militias
Google Translate Lists ‘Police Officer’ as the Primary Definition of ‘Demon’
Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results
Twitter Censors, Locks Breitbart’s Account Over Pro-HCQ Doctor’s Livestream
Madonna Instagram Post Censored: Singer Shared Viral Video Of Docs Promoting HCQ
Quinine, Precursor to Hydroxychloroquine, First Used by Inca Herbalists As Early As 16th Century
VIDEO: Viral Doctor Says ‘In 30 Days Hydroxychloroquine Will Stop COVID In Its Tracks’ If Allowed
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Remove Video of Doctors Who Support Hydroxychloroquine
Must Watch: Big Tech Chiefs Under Fire On Capitol Hill - Live Show
Watch: White Protester Tells Dr. Stella Immanuel “I’m More Black Than You”
Video: Crazy Lady Tells Children ‘I Hope You All Die’ For Not Wearing Masks in Supermarket

absurdity - (and see humour), countries - china, immanuel - dr. stella, drugs - hydroxychloroquine, soros - george, cities - minneapolis minnesota, protests / protesters - blm/antifa riots, crazy people - in general, politics - election interference, cities - seattle washington,, gates - bill, violence / fascism, shapiro - ben, cities - portland oregon, music - madonna, drugs - quinine, health - v - coronavirus sars2 covid-19, bb - big tech, bb - censorship, police - abuse of

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