It is very unusual that I feel well - like a normal person. Felt pretty well today. But, after yesterday's walk, and beer, there is a subsurface tiredness which will arise in a day or two - and, even when I feel well, I can detect that deeper fatigue. So, I take it easy, for the CFS, and also to enjoy the elusive wellness. That's what I've been doing today. And, I decided to put off making the dog food until tomorrow - even though it will be warm and humid then. After this post, I am going to watch TV. Or, what little I can receive. MY HD doesn't always work.
I figured out what that black woman meant. She must have said, "You got - your feet are on fire sir!" I was wearing bright red socks. That must have been it. I've been experiencing a number of good interactions with various blacks lately. I was going to post about these, but, by now, have forgotten most of them. These pleasantries usually happen during nice weather, which is true for any race. And, when July 4 is over, usually all the mild harassments usually suspend until autumn. Around November, some people must experience some kind of subconscious paranoia that they might not have a home through the winter. So, they get really pushy, for territory or such. This is what N-Guy did each year, basically forcing N-Girl to take him in. And, the two times he was arrested - they were both in November.