Apr 30, 2019 19:57

Nothing is completely still. There is no IFR, (innertial frame of reference), in reality - only in math, and in subjective experience. Instead, every thing is in motion, no matter how still it may seem. There could be no (experience of) time unless everything was in motion.

Einstein was not being flip when he said, "The only reason there is time is so that everything doesn't happen all at once," (para). If everything happened at the same time, it would be ONE thing, and relative to nothing else, and therefore nonexistent. (See, 'double paradox'). It is not possible for a thing to exist unless it is in the company of other things, and so in some medium, which is called time.

Everything in space is relating to everything else, through a locally perceived linear time. A relates to B, which requires a C relation, which requires a D relation, ad infinitum. (I discuss this concept more fully elsewhere). One atom or universe, (A), comes into existence, and this requires at least one other atom or universe, (B), which may be the environment, which must then subdivide into E, F, G, etc. This is an (spatio)/temporal inflation which requires not only that each object be in motion in time, but that it accelerates above the mass background swell, so that each maintains its own local, stable logic or arrow of time.

However, A's local arrow and logic of time is not exactly of the same nature, pace or temporal direction as entities at the edge of its universe, like X,Y, or Z, as well as beyond its universe, like -A, -Z, and beyond into directly opposite time to A, or 'the nonuniverse,' (multiverse). This is another way of describing the inflation above, which is a difference in spatial existence, and is so a difference of time, or arrows of times.

So: Since more distant entities carry more and more contrary arrows of time, (to A), then there is a 'perpetual' attempt by all entities to recordinate their times to those of all other entities, and this leads to the spatio/temporal inflation, which requires that all objects be in acceleration, and not steady motion, and not completely at rest. In fact, it is the aim of all objects to conform all else to its perceived and desired time-line, which comes from an assumed state of being completely at rest - an innertial frame for reference, (IFR).

So, you see, everything in the universe - in order for existence, and time, to work - comes from the position of being inert, stationary, or outside of time. The still point of the turning world.

Here is the germ of consciousness, which is not only a universal characteristic, but which connects across, and perhaps beyond, the given universe, as exemplified or manifested in quantum entanglement, or psychic phenomena, or etc., which act sumperluminally, or faster than we commonly believe electromagnetic time to occur. (Gravity is eligible to be added to this list).

Synchronistic and symbolic perturbations or emergencies in the origami universe, which serve the local observations of consciousness and thought, are a part of this dynamic 'leakage' which transcends local times.

Why this leak occurs may be pondered: but it might at least be imagined for now as being a consequence of the weight of contradiction, by all things of the universe, against the illusion of local time. And that, by extension, is the illusion of death. Another way of saying this is that the sheer, endless magnitude of infinity steps in, upon local occasions, to contradict the myth of finity. (But, this is never complete, because infinity is also a myth, built upon finite integers). That is a spatial view.

The temporal view is: Eternity sometimes steps in to contradict the mortal or mundane, (and vice versa). In Christian theology, finity, (mortality/mundane), has been associated with sin. And so, we have Eternal God sometimes coming down, through consciousness, performing little time and space defying miracles, like bringing redemption and eternal salvation, and all that.

However, the opposite is also true: Local beings may sometimes summon the 'magical', {nonlocal, (nonspatial, infinite); nonlinear, (nontemporal, eternal)}, through their own device. Only one is true; Both are true alone; Both are relative to each other; Neither are true. The Double Paradox strikes again. (In this way, all theologies, including atheism, are compatible).

What does this spatio/temporal inflation mean to you? (As we have discussed earlier), everything you sense - see, feel, taste, smell, hear, and even think - is already in the past. If this were not true, then, as Einstein said, everything would happen at once, and you would therefore not exist. Only through your observation, which extends from consciousness and being, is all this past concerted into a local now, in an assumed linear time. In this, like everyone else, you are an agent of the universe, and monarch of all you survey.

You are the vanguard of all past into the future. And you are the main prophet of that future, although, since you are also mortal, one day, your prophesies and time shall completely fail. However, for the duration, you are at rest, the centre of the universe, bringing it all together.

As I asked in an earlier post: If everything recedes into the past, including your own neurons, then where is NOW? The answer is that now exists in your consciousness. In the moments when thought becomes outside of time, this is when it connects to the timeless consciousness of all things, in measure. If this did not happen judiciously, discretely, in measure, then your head would explode.

Instead, 'there is an algorithm,' where this connection, and the times of others around you, balance out into a brilliant dream, symbol, coincidence, psychic experience, or sharing of love. In the impossible time in which we exist, the only reality available to us is one which is highlighted by the occasional blinks of magic, along our otherwise habitual lives, effected by the balance of one cosmic paradox against another, both of which are impossible, like sparks between glaciers.

Homework: For our upcoming post/s, think about what habit is. Conventionality. Standardisation. What can these concepts have to do with time? Do they also have something to do with memory?

einstein - albert, physics - relativity, physics - time (and space-time), s- 'time passages' (series), all * entanglement, time - & see physics - time, all * entropism

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