The subject is PAIN

Nov 10, 2018 12:03

I MIGHT be coming out of a killer headache, which completely ruined my celebratory beerathon. Hangovers are supposed to happen AFTER you drink, I thought. That's bad enough, but I also have to pay first for the wasted beer and then for the CFS consequences. Such are the joys of bahar.

First of all, I am a canary in a coal mine. My CFS is reactive to manythings - viruses, fumes, food, stress, climate change, etc. My immune system overreacts, which is the opposite of AIDS. This leads to subtle chronic inflammations, like in the brain, and also endless persistence of viruses, candida, etc. It's paradoxical.

Maybe two years ago, I tried to pull off a bracelet which was too small. I tried to do it quickly, which bent in my thumb too much, etc. After that, I experienced pain in the area - at the top of the thumb. Because of whatever goes on with my CFS, this developed into continuous or reoccurring pain. And then it extended to much of my hand. I imagine that some auto-immunity-like process was developing. That is not to say that this developing 'arthritis' might not also involve some specific pathogen.

I once had a gf who had JRA, as well as chronic yeast infections - oh, and chlamydia - oh and I also got a brief case of genital warts from her. She was a bag of fun. It was while I was with her that my CFS happened - with an astounding crash. Pain at every gate. So, it might be that I acquired some kind of JRA pathogen from her. For all we know, this pathogen could be the trigger for CFS/FMS. It could be a spirochet, or it could be an interplay of herpes virus and yeast. Or something else. BTW - at that time, I was spending a lot of time locked in the university library, trying to find a way to cure JRA. That would have gotten somewhere, were it not for the fact that she was crazy, and I was sick, and my asshole brother stepped in and messed things up even more. Everywhere I go, whatever I touch, my siblings have to own it - take from me. This, too, is a pain.

Back to this relatively recent hand pain... The funny thing is this: The pain also started occurring in the opposite hand! So, what we have here is a known innitiating event, and transferrence of the problem to the other hand, which means some kind of targetted immune agent OR pathogen. THIS means that the 'arthritis' was more than a physical, local injury. This is also to say that the 'arthritis' was not originating from inside or around the tendons, bone or joints of the one thumb - it means the problem has a wider reach - the body - but is targetting.

It was about two weeks ago that both hands were getting pretty bothersome. This was happening at the same time when I was not getting enough sleep - or regeneration. Things like sugar or fast carbs (starch), caffeine, alcohol, etc., are largely bad because they also tend to work against regeneration, if not sleep. TAKE HEED. A disrupted circadian rhythm is also damaging in this way.

Also, my CFS always kicks in whenever my cells seek to regenerate, learn or claim memory. This involves disturbances in the Krebs cycle, lactic acid, protein synthesis, protein kinase, and calcium intake. Probably, something is broken within the mitochondria. After all, CFS is an illness involving seriously low energy, among other things.

It may be that some forms of arthritis emerge through some physical first-hit, some pathogenological or immunological follow-up, and some intensification due to poor cell regeneration due to such things as poor sleep, or even processes as occurring in CFS/FMS.

WHEN I started sleeping even more than seemed necessary, and returning to a strict circadian schedule - as far as eating, sleeping, activity, etc. - and reducing the bad food and STRESS, then the pain in both hands subsided. That does not mean that the pathogen and/or immunological conditions might not be lurking, ready to pounce again.

As I have said, CFS/FMS goes OVERBOARD in reacting to things. But, at some point, most people become overly sensitised to things. And, people who are one day normal may one day acquire certain elements as are found in problems of, e.g., JRA, CFA, FMS, etc., so that they suddenly become highly reactive in some way - producing, maybe not CFS or FMS, etc., but arthritis, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, or any number of things. It can be like some kind of switch is pulled, and, locally or full-body, one can finally become hypersensitive and ill. That means that hyper-defensive measures NOW need to be taken. One can no longer do the old levels of stress, poor diet, poor sleep, etc., as they had been doing. It is good that you listen to people who are the canaries in the coal mines, right? Yes.

One day, most of you will hit a wall.

Well, my 'arthritis', LATELY, has been almost non-exostent. But I didn't accomplish this by just improving relaxationm, eatign better, and so forth. I also ingested several things which are strongly believed or known to fight arthritis-like problems. And here it goes:

apple cider vinegar - I make my own, so it is ALIVE. That is important.

coconut vinegar - I have only recently started making this. How? I buy organic coconut milk - UNSWEETENED - and let that age, but not rot(!) I will do more posts about how I do this, and about the benefits of coconut, later. The best foods for us are the ones we have been eating the longest. Not wheat. Not pure sugar. Not fried food. Not additives.

chicken gelatin and cartilage - When I buy broiled chicken for my dog, I bogart these. Cheaper than supplements.

Fish oil, B-vitamins, turmeric - all three work together. Supplement is "Curcumin" Turmeric is even better if cooked and in the company of black pepper and/or other curry spices. Just another proff that what we've been eating the longest is what is best for us now. Turmeric fights inflammation like no other! It can even be helpful against dementia.

Pre-biotics plus pro-biotics - That means lots of beans and veggies (fiber) along with greek yogurt (fiber eaters). (Even so, I have learnt to keep calcium low).

Broccoli, cabbage, and related - These contain sulphur chemicals, which help get nutrients to the cells, etc. There are also supplements like MSM.

Magnesium - The best mineral to help prevent heart attacks, muscle cramps, and to help sleep. Everyone is magnesium deficient! Works best w/ vitamin C. Zinc is another mineral. Both are essential for MANY enzymes.

Coconut oil - Like apple cider vinegar, coconut oil helps you lose weight. It also fights yeast! Many people say that coconut oil feeds you via KETONES rather than carbs. I cannot explain now, but this helpd close out pathogens, imo. I will post more about coconut oil later.

Tart cherry - I have never tried this supplement but it is said to help arthritis.

Milk Thistle (silymarin(sp?)) or Dandelion - these help fight fatty liver, which is a progenitor of a huge amount of problems.

Colourful food - If you really must eat food, make it colourful.

Now, if your arthritis is actually FMS (Fibromyalgia) then it would make more sense for you to follow regimens for people with CFS than with arthritis. That would include maximum reduction of stress and exertion. For me, that often even means restricting light or noise, not to mention trouble-makers, assholes and relatives. It also involves catching up and up and up on sleep; restricted eating, and almost exact circadian patterns.

If there is one thing I could say to people with arthritis like issues, the most important thing, it would be this STOP EATING ANY SUGAR! I am not a doctor this is not medical or legal advice and I bow down to the idiot doctors and lawyers and take no responsibility for my life in any way whatsoever. Oh - wait ...

health - fibromyalgia (fms), health - fatigue syndromes, health - arthritis, health - pain / chronic pain

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