The Museum of Menstruation.

Nov 03, 2018 16:39

A resource of possible use and interest: the Museum of Menstruation.
(Crossposted to

The Museum of Menstruation--a grand rambling cross-referential time suck covering cultural, historical, medical, and commercial aspects of the topic, and aspiring to be the Junior Woodchucks' Guide on the subject--is a monument to the geekish obsessive special interest of one Harry Findlay: (Warning: the front page is text-only, but some links are NSFW.)

Just a few of the topics this mind-boggling display aisle of menstrual esoterica covers: Belts to hold sanitary pads (and if you remember those, you've almost certainly outlived your menstrual worries); artwork with menstrual themes; home remedies for menstrual discomfort sent in by his readers; various religious attitudes toward menstruation; historical menstrual hygiene methods.

(Since Findlay is growing old, and doesn't think that he as a cis man is the ideal curator of such a museum, he's sent out an invitation to anyone--preferably a current or past menstruator--interested in taking over his work and hosting his material collection:

museum of menstuation, women's issues / rights / abuse

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