Oct 21, 2018 20:42

Global Insect Decline Now ‘Hyperalarming’ According to Latest Research

Humans are good at reacting to crises that they can see right before their eyes, but if something isn’t recognizing as an immediate threat, we’re very good at ignoring it. For the last 8 years we have been receiving warnings about the loss of honey bees and other pollinator insects, but yet so far have been wholly unable to comprehend what this means to our future, and therefore have been unable and unwilling to react with any seriousness.

In recent years we’ve reported on this unfolding catastrophe, pointing out the bees in Europe and North America are seeing major declines along with many other critical insects. In 2013, Florida declared two butterfly species had gone extinct. German researchers in 2017 reported on a 75% reduction in the total biomass of flying insects.  Massive die-offs of bees is common these days, and many point to the widespread use of insecticides and other agrichemicals as the major cause.

Insects in general are in a massive die-off today, and the results could be catastrophic for the planet. A new report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences brings attention to the spread of this calamity to the Americas, noting some 60-fold losses in arthropods and other insects in the rainforests of central america.

The loss is deeply extending into populations of frogs, birds, and many other ecologically important creatures, and the team of researchers compared insect populations in Puerto Rico today with those 40 years ago.

See tag: BEES

US plan to genetically alter crops via insects feared to be biological war plan

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