In Praise of Idleness: The New Zealand Way

Jul 19, 2018 11:50

The Philosophical Argument for Working Less (And Wasting Time)

Maybe it’s not “laziness” after all
There seems to be a certain guilt in our current culture associated with just taking time to do nothing, to relax, to leisure, to waste time, and to simply have no plans. But the truth is that, without these things, you are not going to get the most out of your work anyway.

‘My brain feels like it’s been punched’: the intolerable rise of perfectionism

Tom Nicol thought he had a problem with sleep. He could never get enough. He took “a very disciplined, stripped approach” to his routine. He drank water only at premeditated times, ate according to schedule, avoided caffeine, exercised (but not close to bedtime) and shut down all screens at 9pm...

[Note: Discussions on the UBI, (Universal Basic Income), raised minimum living wage, socialism, inflation, CFS, etc., will all have their own posts soon enough...].

PS: Don't try this in Japan.

lazy / idle / wistful / alive, countries - new zealand, economics - 4-day work week, psychology - stress, psychology - perfectionism, mindfulness and presence, russell - bertrand, psychology - addictions / obsessions

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