Here Come the Bees... (They're American bees. Made in America!)

Aug 29, 2017 12:34

Here they come again. The bees who need to disappear into your Coke can. September Bees. Just when you thought it was safe to go outside. As foretold, outside today, a bee started messing with my head. Then, after that, a human started doing the same thing. I'm serious. It was the dufus who dresses like a pumpkin.

And it is sad because Bee Girl is no more.

A girlfriend used to call me, "B."

Last night, World Cafe did an astonishing mix, which followed, "Red Rain," with that National's song about a swarm of bees. Perfect. But I don't think the show exactly followed this playlist, (hour two 8/28 - can be streamed). Apparently, David DiE! is still working his magic behind the curtain.

But I think Michaela Majeune will always be the real spiritual and creative force behind the show. It's been a few years since they even aired any interview from her. But she had the Madison morning show which inspired, "World Cafe." I talked to her once, and it was like I was a rock star, lol. PS - Talia Shlanger(sp) is great but sometimes almost too loose or rough. The other day she did an interview with Dan Wilson and I think they are great together / should get a room.

I have a million links about bees - just another topic I have yet to theme-post about, (although see my tag). A recent news story came out saying that both unsocial bees and autistics share similar disruptions in certain genes: Thus sociability may be a fundamental trait deeply shared by all (social) species. That is AMAZING research!

But, nobody seemed to ask whether there (also) might not be a common environmental trigger, (altering the genetics), causing both bees and autistics to be unsocial. Something like, say, BT, GMO's, nicotinoids and/or Round-UP (glyphosate) mega-herbacide?! - all of which may be summed up in one word: MONSANTO?!

Let's wait until radiation causes us all to have two heads so we can find out what genes control head count.

I think way back when I first heard the word, "autism," I thought it meant, "oughtism," or the school of thought, preaching, "You ought to do this!" and, "You ought to do that!"

Ahhhh! Leave me bee!

animals - insects - bees

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