Upward Status Quo Downturn

Feb 27, 2017 00:08

Why do the Oscars remind me of Hillary Clinton?

And why does the DNC leadership election remind me of 2016?

Witches casting spells against Trump, and Jewish headstones being toppled.

Welcome to yesterday.

Welcome to La La Land.

(See also HERE).

movies - 'moonlight', star-struck, farce, clinton - hillary clinton - and see pres, ironic / (sardonic) and see humour, religion - jews - anti-semitism, woops!, politics - dnc/ democratic party/ demsca, movies - the oscars, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, status quo on steroids, psychology - greed, witches!, cities - hollywood california, mistakes / in history, two-steps-back, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, movies - 'la la land', hollywood - stupidity / nonsense, ass-backward

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