Serious voter problems - Called false by 2016.

Jan 24, 2017 19:50

  1. Pew study: 1 in 8 voter records flawed -
    Feb 13, 2012 · More than 24 million voter-registration records in the United States - about one in eight ... Pew study: 1 in 8 voter records flawed. By Gregory Korte ...
  2. Pew study: 2 million dead Americans on active voter rolls ...
    Nearly 2 million dead Americans are still on active voter registries, and 1 in every 8 registrations in the United States is invalid or has major inaccuracies ...

  3. [PDF]2012 Pew study - The Pew Charitable Trusts
    Inaccurate, Costly, and Inefficient ... n A study Pew conducted with Oregon ... 12 million Voter Registration Inaccuracies
  4. Pew Center: 1.8 Million Dead People on Voter Rolls, 2.75 ...
    Video embedded · Pew Center: 1.8 Million Dead People on Voter Rolls, 2.75 Million Registered in Two States. Jim Hoft Oct 19th, 2016 9:36 am Leave a Comment
  5. Pew Study: 24 Million Voter Registrations Are Invalid
    A new study released by the Pew Center indicates that 1.8 million registered voters in the U.S. have died - yet remain in the system. The study, which was released ...
  6. 2016 electorate will be the most diverse in U.S. history ...
    While the nation’s 156 million non-Hispanic white eligible voters in 2016 far outnumber the 70 million eligible voters that ... About Pew Research Center Pew ...
  7. Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters ...
    Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016. Youth, Naturalizations Drive Number of Hispanic Eligible Voters to Record 27.3 Million
  8. Inside the 2012 Latino Electorate | Pew Research Center
    A record 11.2 million Latinos voted in the 2012 presidential election, but Latinos’ voter turnout rate continues to lag other groups significantly, according to an ...
  9. Key facts about the Latino vote in 2016 | Pew Research Center
    A projected 27.3 million Latinos are eligible to cast ballots in 2016, representing 12% of all eligible voters. Here are key facts about the Latino vote.
  10. Reality Check: Trump's claims of 'large scale' "voter fraud" ...
    A study by the Pew Center on the States entitled "Inaccurate, ... About 24 million voter registrations are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate.

politics - voting, presidents - trump donald trump, politics - elections

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