"We found that lower adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with greater three-year reduction in total brain volume." (Heart health and brain health are usually related)... Only 10% of people who are hit with a sudden heart attack survive. Beware of some possible warning signs, which can occur a few weeks, and/or a day, before the emergency. "The symptoms included chest pain and pressure, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and flu-like sensations such as nausea, back pain, and abdominal pain." - from a link in an upcoming post.
I would also say to also be aware of these symptoms: Crazy jackass people in your life. By, "people," I also mean pets. And highways. And cosmic radiation. And intoxicated fish sticks. And Gummie Bears. And slow internet.
Speaking of which - I might as well add this story, which we all have heard by now. Unless we forgot it because we live by a highway:
Living near heavy traffic increases dementia risk, say scientists.