WE are the strings of the two-headed marionette.

Nov 06, 2016 12:00

The Psychopathic Elite, Order Followers, And WWIII ...

"Governments will always do what government always has done … lie, cheat, steal, and KILL for control; but Governments are fabrications. They are human constructs of the mind. They have no real power without the people who comprise them and the order followers who enforce their draconian laws without any critical thought. Without YOU, the individual, their little chess game is OVER."

I would add that most governments assume themselves to be functionaries of mega-corporations, and serve their rapacious need for profit at any cost, as if corporate board "fiduciary responsibility" were somehow the obligation of the taxpayers, on borrowed time. But...

When money talks, what are Words Worth? - (Full: The Obsolete Man).

"I'm mad as hell..." - ?

government corruption, tv - 'twilight zone', freedom / freedom freedom / spirit, movies * all movies, psychology - psychopaths, famous rants, innocence through adversity, music / indie lifestyle, bb * all big brother / (legisl), bb - corporatist elites / cap / govt, movies - 'network', all * law / legal / rights, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat

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