A Different American Dream

Oct 12, 2016 21:33

Documentary Exposes Exploitation of Native American People in North Dakota

Fate has intervened to have this film debut at the exact moment in time when The Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is doing all that it can through prayer and legal maneuvering to stop this flow of oil from the Bakken and possibly the tar sands of Canada through their sacred lands.

You see, when Native protests finally shut down the ill-planned Sandpiper project, the Enbridge company wasted no time to partner with Texas-based Energy Transfer Inc. and Marathon oil to complete the Dakota Access Pipeline. The DAPL follows almost the exact 1,168 mile route of the abandoned Keystone XL from the Bakken to southern Illinois, where it will connect with pipelines snaking towards the Louisiana Gulf Coast.

It doesn't matter how the oil gets to the refineries. Expediency and markets will determine where the prophesied iron "black snake" will crawl out of the ground and how soon it will devour all in its path.

- Honor the Earth -

states - north and south dakota, native americans, movies - 'a different american dream' - , dakota access pipeline / nodapl, documentaries - 'a different american dr, documentaries

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