"A monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" - Part 3

Oct 29, 2015 11:11

JFK 52 years later: ''Keep the Flame Burning''

A little over 51 years ago Albert Thomas, chair of congressional subcommittee for defense appropriations, winked at Lyndon Baines Johnson aboard Air Force One immediately after Pres. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas. [Thomas' underling Jack Valenti went on to run MPAA for many years.] Thomas went on to hand out billions for the Vietnam War.

51 years later the American public is still as infantilized by the national security state as ever. Tons of documents around the assassination are still classified for decades, setting the pattern for managing perceptions of 'deep state events' clearly intersecting with intelligence players like Iran-Contra & 9/11.

The surest sign that Watergate majordomo Howard Hunt's deathbed confession recording is accurate is how thoroughly mainstream media ignored it, while instead promoting discredited plagiarist shills like Gerald Posner. Hunt said that LBJ was at the "head of a long line of people waiting for some change in the executive branch" and had "an almost maniacal urge to become president," with Rolling Stone, Coast to Coast and the alt media among the very few to take this seriously.

Hunt said CIA's Cord Meyer led the task for LBJ, embittered because Cord's wife had been one of JFK's mistresses. He also ID'd David Atlee Phillips, "in Miami and elsewhere" referencing JM/WAVE CIA station, Watergate alumnus Frank Sturgis, "Operation 40" mercenary David Morales, all players within the nucleus related of intelligence operations diligently identified by researchers since 1963. "In short it was a very mobile experience" said the Watergate chieftain, "I was a benchwarmer on it."

Kennedy was no saint, but Dallas was a display intended to traumatize the American public into accepting that a brutal machine behind the scenes would now more openly, literally, call the shots, and as our country continues to spin along an ugly trajectory, achieving some kind of tangible political freedom from these forces of intelligence intrigue and social control has never been more necessary.

Keep the flame burning, champs. - Submitted by HongPong on Sun, 2014-11-23 23:22

(listen to Hunt's audio confession here > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bknUDgKdEJQ - and remember so much about Dallas is *still* classified)

assassinations / attempts, thomas - albert, s- bb - monolith/ruthless conspiracy (se, presidents - kennedy jfk john (& see ken, offings and knock-offs, hunt - e howard, presidents - johnson lbj, cities - dallas texas, history - 1963, bb - conspiracies

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