To Fight the Wild - Part 1

Oct 19, 2015 00:52

Stone the Crow:

1988: Meet Rod Ansell, a Daring, Real-Life Dundee
By Margot Dougherty - People: June 13, 1988 Vol. 29 No. 23

A Gritty, Witty Aussie Lays Claim to the Character He Says Paul Hogan Adapted for "crocodile" Dundee

What's left of the battered green 1985 Toyota is bouncing along at 60 mph, no road in sight. The goggled demon at the wheel is heading straight for a towering thatch of young gum trees, and he has got the accelerator soldered to the floor with his bare foot. There's no windshield on the speeding wreck-no roof or doors, for that matter-and the constant whorl of dust is blinding. But the madman smashes through the trees, unleashing a shower of unhappy green ants who bite viciously through his fatigues. Oblivious, he careens through a dried riverbed, scales its four-foot perpendicular bank, resumes the race on open plain and closes in on his lumbering quarry: a 900-lb. feral water buffalo. With a nudge from the Toyota's bull bar-a specially rigged fender-the beast's hind legs buckle and it drops. Throwing on the brake, Rod Ansell, about 5'8" and pushing 125 lbs. after a good meal, hops out, wedges his knee into the animal's shoulder and ropes its tire-threatening horns. "I think," drawls the white hunter with an Aussie accent, "we've caught ourselves a buffalo."

Welcome to Australia's Top End-the wild, wild north of what may well be the world's last continental frontier. And meet your host, Rod Ansell, the buffalo catcher, cattle tosser and Aussie back-bushman who claims his own adventures triggered the creation of Mick J. "Crocodile" Dundee. [Read all, via link above].

'Real' Crocodile Dundee Dies, [1999]:

1977: Ansell became a local hero in 1977 after being swept out to sea and landing on a small, deserted island, where he was stranded for two months with little more than a rifle and his two dogs. He survived by shooting sharks and buffalo for food and drinking their blood to stay hydrated, since there was no potable water on the island. [Read all, via link above].

Rod Ansell: The Real Crocodile Dundee:

"You must believe me, it was not that big a deal," he told reporters.

An interview with Ansell by British journalist Michael Parkinson captured the imagination of actor-writer Paul Hogan and inspired him, Ken Shadie and John Cornell to write a screenplay about an outback superstar. "Crocodile Dundee" became an international hit in 1986. Much of the movie's humor about how an Australian bushman would react to life in the big city was inspired by Ansell's book tour in Sydney. He insisted on sleeping in his sleeping bag in the five-star Sebel Townhouse and was mystified by the bidet, a scene recreated in the movie, which was followed by a 1988 sequel. As was the character of Crocodile Dundee, he is also said to have been mystified by the city, and he convinced his chauffeur to divert his route so he could pick up some parts for his Toyota. The blond, blue-eyed Ansell, a crack shot and a tough bushman, was named the Northern Territory's 1988 Territorian of the Year for inspiring the film that put the Australian outback on the map. [Read all, via link above].

1999: Obituary: Rod Ansell:

By the time I met Ansell two years after the film's release, the Crocodile Dundee myth was already starting to fade. He was no longer interested in talking about the story, perhaps bitter that no money had come his way. The family were living in deprived circumstances.

Ansell complained that their livelihoods were threatened by an Australian government programme to shoot wild buffalo in a bid to eradicate tuberculosis from the cattle industry. The disease was then proving hard to contain in the buffalo which had been introduced to the Northern Territory as beasts of burden from Timor in the 1820s, and which had since proliferated to herds of about 300,000.

Officially sanctioned shooters were killing the beasts from helicopters. Conservationists supported the campaign, claiming the buffalo had caused untold environmental damage in the Top End. But Ansell was leading a farmers' protest against it. "No country has ever successfully eradicated the disease completely from free-range conditions," he told me. "If you have just one wild animal left, it will still be there. All this money would be better spent on research on Aids."

Ansell eventually lost Melaleuca. His marriage disintegrated. In 1992 he was convicted of cattle rustling and of assaulting the owner of a cattle property in Arnhem Land, in the eastern Top End. He was fined and placed on a good behaviour bond. He continued to blame his troubles on the campaign to wipe out the buffalo. He told reporters he was living on unemployment benefits and "bush tucker". When he died he was living on an Aboriginal outstation at Urapunga on the Roper River, about 300 miles south of Darwin. He had an affinity with the Aborigines, who had initiated him as a white member of their community. [Read all, via link above].

Wikipedia: Ansell said to be crazy, on drugs:

Although police were at a loss to explain Ansell's motive (he could have easily escaped the roadblock had he chosen to), it was later determined that Ansell had been raving about Freemasons prior to his death; he was distraught, apparently convinced that Freemasons had kidnapped his two sons and were now stalking him.[1][6] Like Ansell, Hewson also suffered from severe mental illness and regularly abused drugs.[1] During the coroner's inquest, psychiatrist Robert Parker made the following observations on Ansell's mental state before his death:

There is no doubt that Ansell was affected by amphetamine intoxication prior to his fatal interaction with Sergeant Huitson...Ansell's behaviour prior to the initial shots being fired is consistent with amphetamine intoxication with restlessness, hypervigilance, anxiety, anger and impaired judgement (DSM IV). He was also affected by a paranoid psychotic state which is typical of chronic amphetamine use.[1]

Parker also determined that Ansell and Hewson had developed a shared psychosis, stating:

...the two of them developed a shared delusional state or folie a deux...Hewson's bizarre delusions which were apparently precipitated by "flashbacks and memories" [of childhood abuse by Freemasons] do not appear to be typical of amphetamine psychosis. It is possible, therefore, that one or both parties had an underlying vulnerability to mental illness which was enhanced and sustained by their regular use of amphetamines.[1]

An autopsy of Ansell's remains showed he had suffered 30 entry wounds or grazes, all caused by shotgun pellets; the fatal injury was caused by a pellet that had perforated his aorta. The cause of death was determined to be "haemorrhage from multiple gunshot wounds involving various parts of the body."[1] Following the request of his sons, Ansell was given a full Aboriginal burial at Mount Catt, Arnhem Land.[7] His funeral was attended by his sons and parents.[8] [Read all, via link above].

[Recommended: Research how many USA mass-shooters had been on SSRI's and/or anti-psychotics; had been involved with intelligence programmes or agents, or had been in need of the very psychiatric and medical services which Thatcherist Ronald Reagan took away in the 1980's. Note Aurora, Sandy Hook, etc. Yesterday, I learnt that the Unabommer has once been a subject in a mind-control programme, which made him very resentful for years, finally exploding. But many victims of the heavy hand of the WAL are merely dupes, minding their own business, only to be demonised and portrayed as evil after they are taken out. Not to mention the countless "suicidings" of highly chipper naturopaths, doctors, microbiologists, bankers, politicians, whistleblowers, or members of their families].

see also:].

I don't believe the story on Ansell's death, or "precipitating" mental decline. There are powerful Americans in Hollywood who want to hold on to their millions. There are government bureaucracies who want to get on with their programme$, right or wrong. And, there is indeed an agenda by some elites to gradually disarm populations. Why? How? Well. I have seen it happen in Africa - how it happens. Etc. There's a lot more ground to cover. One day. All things in good time.

PS - tonight's COAST-TO-COAST is a good one: 3 different segments of the punishment of whistlblowers who SPOKE TRUTH TO POWER. Includes link/ info re: "SILENCED". And more! (Thank god it's not another Geory Annoyee ghost fluff). -

I am, the nothing man -

books - 'to fight the wild', s- 'to fight the wild' (series), mass-shootings / mass-shooters, whistle-blowers / whistleblowers, injustice, death - tragic / untimely deaths, my heroes, tragic figures, ansell - rod, movies - 'crocodile dundee' (1986), animals - reptiles - crocodiles, bb - conspiracy theories, freemasons, animals - buffalo, psychology - mass-shooters/ shootings, documentaries - 'to fight the wild', countries - australia, stone the crows, speak truth to power, hogan - paul, offings and knock-offs, bb - conspiracies

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