for this Commercial Break

Sep 11, 2015 08:06

Today is September 11, the day before the Twelfth of Never, and I think we should all hang our heads, in knots, and kick ourselves, for believing all the crap. Because, by now, folks, after almost a decade and a half of thinking, which never had to be, I have come to the solid conclusion that, "9/11 was an inside job," perpetrated by conservaholics* high up in the Arab and Israeli power structures, including BANKS, associated with nefarious groups in the USA, (which were later to give us the Project for a New American Century, {PNAC},, and the wars in Iraqistan, ad infinitum). There was collusion by insurance companies. Many profitted from the initial destruction, and many profitted more from the wars, and the establishment of the National Insecurity State, which followed.

The destruction of the Twin Towers, (and of Building 7 which contained the NYC police intelligence center), was inflicted by a convergence of "upper-level" interests, yes, a conspiracy. There were renters who stood to gain. There were insurance companies. There were billionaires. There was inside knowledge which made large trades and transfers of money prior to the event. (The buildings were exempt from NYC safety laws, but were governed by the Port Authority, which was closely affiliated with the Federal Government).

There was George Bush, who had said that he planned to reap more "political capital" than his dad did with the FIRST war in Iraq, (and that the second war would be revenge for his dad). There was hatchet-man, Dick Cheney, who pretty much controlled things in the Administration, who had OIL interests in dividing up Iraq.

The destruction of the Twin Towers was an assault on the dreams of Modernism, as exemplified by the JFK mini-era, a era of Progress. Even the towers themselves were constructed in a revolutionary design, where the buildings' support came from the outer walls. This made the buildings vulnerable to damage from incoming airplanes with explosive fuel, which was not planned for. There is evidence that explosives were placed in the buildings, prior to collapse.

I strongly suggest that yous guys go to for various guests, this week, including Catherine Roth(sp?), for discussions about this topic!

There were many artistic predictors, (prophesies), of 9/11, (and all to follow), one of the most important being Laurie Anderson's haunting, "Big Science," (see below, and tags). I also wrote a long poem, where the two, "towers of Plato", would fall, but this was an allusion to the collapse of the two Millennia, with the year 2000. (Incidentally, the millennium did not end at 2000, but at 2001). I will discuss Anderson's two pertinent songs later, (see also tags!).

"We're living, we're living through the breakup, Commercial breakup, here it comes again."

I have been listening to some tapes from my green era. Thomas Dolby's album of the 1980's, "Golden Age of Wireless," has been said to be one of the greatest albums of all time, by John B. Lamberto, (etc.), of NPR's, "Echoes." (Incidentally, Echoes did a great re-mash of Pink Floyd's monumental, "Wishing You Were Here", last night). What I LOVE about this album is that it is all about static - noise, wind, chaos, water, clouds, rain - and ENTROPY! Other albums from that era seem to mention entropy, like Robyn Hitchcock's, "Eye" - "The universe is made of solid entropy, it falls apart as it goes on."

The dust storm from the Twin Towers was entropy incognito.

But something else about such albums is that they conveyed a sense of oil-and-water relationship between emerging Big Technology and personal feelings. This is what Laurie Anderson's, "Big Science", and Thomas Dolby's, "Golden Age of Wireless", have in common, (as well as Peter Gabriel's song, "Shock the Monkey", etc.). Consequently, many of these songs turned out to be prophetic.

So, now I am going to print some lyrics for yee. Please check out these song in audio yo yo yo!

Laurie Anderson - O Superman (For Massenet)

O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
Hi. I'm not home right now. But if you want to leave a
message, just start talking at the sound of the tone.
Hello? This is your Mother. Are you there? Are you
coming home?
Hello? Is anybody home? Well, you don't know me,
but I know you.
And I've got a message to give to you.
Here come the planes.
So you better get ready. Ready to go. You can come
as you are, but pay as you go. Pay as you go.

And I said: OK. Who is this really? And the voice said:
This is the hand, the hand that takes. This is the
hand, the hand that takes.
This is the hand, the hand that takes.
Here come the planes.
They're American planes. Made in America.
Smoking or non-smoking?
And the voice said: Neither snow nor rain nor gloom
of night shall stay these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds.

'Cause when love is gone, there's always justice.
And when justice is gone, there's always force.
And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi Mom!

So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me,
Mom, in your long arms.
In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms.
In your arms.
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms.

Laurie Anderson - From the Air

Good evening. This is your Captain.
We are about to attempt a crash landing.
Please extinguish all cigarettes.
Place your tray tables in their
upright, locked position.
Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees.
Your Captain says: Put your head on your hands.
Captain says: Put your hands on your head.
Put your hands on your hips. Heh heh.
This is your Captain-and we are going down.
We are all going down, together.
And I said: Uh oh. This is gonna be some day.
Standby. This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time. And this is the record of the time.

Uh-this is your Captain again.
You know, I've got a funny feeling I've seen this all
Why? Cause I'm a caveman.
Why? Cause I've got eyes in the back of my head.
Why? It's the heat. Standby.
This is the time. And this is the record of the time.
This is the time. And this is the record of the time.

Put your hands over your eyes. Jump out of the plane.
There is no pilot. You are not alone. Standby.
This is the time. And this is the record of the time.
This is the time. And this is the record of the time.

Camper Van Beethoven - Sweethearts

Cause [Ronald Reagan's] always living back in Dixon
Stuck in 1949
And we're all sitting at the fountain, at the five and dime
'Cause he's living in some be -movie

The lines they are so clearly drawn
In black and white life is so easy
And we're all coming along on this one
'Cause he's on a secret mission

Headquarters just radioed in
He left his baby at the dancehall
While the band plays on some sweet song
And on a mission over China

The lady opens up her arms
The flowers bloom where you have placed them
And the lady smiles, just like mom
Angels wings are icing over

McDonnell-Douglas olive drab
They bear the names of our sweethearts
And the captain smiles, as we crash
'Cause in the mind of Ronald Reagan

Wheels they turn and gears they grind
Buildings collapse in slow motion
And trains collide, everything is fine

Everything is fine
Everything is fine

Lyrics - The Golden Age of Wireless

Flying North (T.Dolby)

Metal bird dip wing of fire
whose airplanes comb dark Earth
the poles are tethers we were born in
on the brink of a whole new deal
on the floor of a hotel bar
I'm staring right into the light
and I'm drawn in like a moth
and I'm flying North again...

Here come the men in suits
papers waving in the runway glare
Lincoln streaming in the chilly air of the morning
at the end of a double day
at the back of an airport lounge
I'm staring down into the cold
and I'm worn out like a cloth
and I'm flying North again tonight.

Down with the landing gear
up goes the useless prayer
the poles are tethers we were born in
now I'm back in the London night
on a bench in a launderette
I'm staring right into my face
and I'm drawn out like a plot
and I'm flying North again tonight.

Commercial Breakup (T.Dolby/T.Kerr)

Night so bright - transmission smooth
I take my head and stuff it in the tube
I find something that I can use
But there's no credit where no credit is due,
It cost me ten dollars
And in thirty seconds it's so clear
And I adhere - I'm only humanoid

Oh man - they're waving from the street again
"Hey Franzi!" they're calling up to me
"We're living, we're living through the breakup,
Commercial breakup, here it comes again."

Well just today you told me,
You told me 'bout the way it is
I walk on out and make me
A few small purchases.
What was that name you called me
What was that grin you grinned?
An expression so uncertain
That breaks a line so thin?

Now that 2-D beckons - the colour is high
It seems so ripe - don't touch the line hold

Something has dropped me in the heat again
"Hey Franzi!" they're calling up to me
"We're living, we're living through the breakup,
Commercial breakup, here it comes again.

Europa And The Pirate Twins (T.Dolby)

I was fourteen, she was twelve
Father travelled, hers as well, Europa
Down the beaches, hand in hand
Twelfth of never on the sand
Then war took her away
We swore a vow that day:

We'll be the Pirate Twins again, Europa
Oh my country, Europa
I'll stand beside you in the rain, Europa
Ta république, Europa

Nine years after, who'd I see on the cover of a magazine? Europa
Buy her singles and see all her films
Paste her pictures on my windowsill
But that's not quite the same, it isn't, is it?
Europa my old friend

We'll be the Pirate Twins again, Europa
Oh my country, Europa
I'll walk beside you in the rain, Europa
Ta république, Europa

Blew in from the hoverport, she was back in London
Pushed past the papermen, calling her name
She smiled for the cameras as a bodyguard grabbed me
Here eyes were gone forever as they drove her away

We'll be the Pirate Twins again, Europa
Oh my country, Europa
I'll walk beside you in the rain, Europa
Ta république, Europa
Down in some bar along the Seine, Europa
Oh my country, Europa
I'll walk beside you in the rain, Europa
Ta république, Europa

Weightless (T.Dolby)

Some nights he's weightless
He has to travel
His mouth is gravel
And there's an empty feeling within his heart...
Eye on the fuelguage
Westchester Thruway
That triple octane
Won't contain the empty feeling in Dolby's heart...
Same old insecurity strap him into his carseat
And a sump started leaking all over New Jersey
Gas stations everywhere -
Not one drop to fill me.

Big hunk of carrot cake
Blueberry milkshake
Fistful of coldrex
Won't fix the empty feeling in Lizzy's heart...
So she flick on the TV
Take in a movie
But all those memories
Won't erase the empty feeling from in her heart...
Then a dog woke inside her head to watch the explosion
And a pipe started leaking as she bent to the basin
Fruit juice everywhere -
Not one drop to fill me
'You could be the one' she whispered
'listen - love is all you've ever wanted
All you'll ever need.'

End of our summer
Your body weightless in condensation
My heart learned to swim
And the feeling was gone again

Windpower (T.Dolby)

Switch off the mind and let the heart decide
who you were meant to be
Flick to remote and let the body glide
there is no enemy
Etch out a future of your own design
well tailored to your needs
Then fan the flame and keep the dream alive
of a continent, a continent, a continent, a continent, a...

There is no enemy
Switch of the mind and let the heart decide
We're a continent, a continent, a continent, a continent, a...

Shatter the lens and grind it into sand
one measured exposure
Scatter the seed and furrow in our land
the future is roses, roses
Switch off the mind and let the heart decide
there is no enemy
Lift up the hearts of this your only tribe

We're a continent, a continent, a continent, a continent, a...

We're a continent, a continent, a continent, a continent, a...

Wreck Of The Fairchild (T.Dolby)

WZ: "Whiskey Zulu to Tower, aircraft in difficulty, request immediate permission to land, over!"
WZ: "Whiskey Zulu to Tower, trying to level up, zero visibility, engine not responding, over!"
WZ: "Calling Base, repeat, 15 minutes of fuel remaining, emergency, emergency!"
Tower: "Base Control to Whiskey Zulu, permission denied, permission denied, over and out."
WZ: "Engine failure, Engine failure, engine one down, please..."
Tower: "Base Control to Whiskey Zulu, the military airport... permission denied"
WZ: "Undercarriage (not altitude?!) too low, I don't think we can make it, I don't think we can make it!!"
Tower: "Control to Whiskey Zulu, slow down, slow down"
WZ: "Whiskey Zulu to Tower...$&%/...gk&$/&ls... radar not working"
Tower: "I repeat., one, two, three... meg.. 123 FM MegaHertz, MegaHertz"
Some fruit are sweet, and some are poison.
In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit...'

Airwaves (T.Dolby)

Strange how the scale forms
In tiny patterns
On my antenna
And The Five O'Clock Show, hello hello ...
Brooklyn is crawling with famous people
I turn my vehicle beneath the river, west from south

Through the airwaves-
People never read the airwaves
Do we only feed the airwaves
I really should have seen through the airwaves

Electric fences line our new freeway
Here in the half-light, the motorhomes leave
Knee-deep in water under a pylon
How slow my heartbeat
How thin the air I'm breathing in

Through the airwaves -
People never read the airwaves
Do we only feed the airwaves
Or stamp them out at street level?
Airwaves - the dampness of the wind
The airwaves - the tension of the skin
The airwaves

Control has enabled the abandoned wires again
But the copper cables all rust in the acid rain
That flood the subway with elements of our corrosion
Cadled in to me, cable them to me
Cable them to me.

Be in my broadcast when this is over
Give me your shoulder
I need a place to wait for morning
No it was nothing - some car backfiring -
Please don't ask questions
I itch all over
Let me sleep.

Through the airwaves -
People never read the airwaves
Do we only feed the airwaves
Or stamp them out at street level?
Airwaves - the dampness of the wind
The airwaves - the tension of the skin
The airwaves I really should have seen through ...

Radio Silence (T.Dolby)

Makes the final adjustments
In her rear-view mirror
She's nervous and tense
But she's thinking it over
With logic and sense
She'll overcome her phobia...
Oh to paint her eyes so red and her lips so blue
Carve her legend on the bow - Caroline four-five-two
When they come to call for her I will be there too...
Observe Radio Silence observe
Radio Silence observe Radio Silence
Maintain Radio Silence throughout

...Now where can he be?
What's wrong with the parking meter? What's happening to me?
She'll burst a blood vessel if he doesn't show
She's caught up in traffic
And I am on her radio...
Oh to paint her eyes so red and her lips so blue
Raise her likeness on the mast - Caroline four-five-two
When they come to call for her, I will be there too...

She tune in till the tune suits her right
She tune in till the dial come alight
She turn the dial till the needle is in the white
Tune in tonight
Tune in tonight
Tune in tonight...
Try to think of nothing

Cloudburst At Shingle Street (T.Dolby)

We climb the cliffs
And hang from trees
Wrap the rocks and pave the beach
State of shock at flick of switch

(mindless) into the cloudburst overhead
I wanna get my face wet
It's been buried in the sand for years
(headlong) into the cloudburst naked
There's really no escaping it
There's gonna be a cloudburst here.

Come out of your shell
And look at the sea
It may be just as well
You stayed here with me
Private hell at turn of a key

(blindly) into the cloudburst overhead
I wanna get my face wet
It's been buried in these hands for years
(mindless) into the cloudburst naked
There's really no escaping it
There's gonna be a cloudburst here

And it's dawning on me
I've been a cork in the ocean, been bobbing in the North Sea
Then take this vest of plaster, these boots of concrete
And make them down as surplus, return to Mulberry...
Cloudburst at Shingle Street
Cloudburst at Shingle Street
Cloudburst at Shingle Street
When I was small I was in love in love with everything
Now there's only you


One Of Our Submarines (T.Dolby)

One of our submarines is missing tonight
Seems she ran aground on manoeuvres
One of our submarines

A hungry heart to regulate their breathing
One more night, the Winter Boys are freezing in their spam tin
A Baltic moon, along the northern seaboard
And down below, the Winter Boys are waiting for the storm
Bye-bye empire, empire bye-bye
Shallow water, channel and tide
And I can trace my history down a generation to my home in one of our submarines

The red light flicker, sonar weak, air valves hissing open
Half her pressure blown away, flounder in the ocean
See the Winter Boys drinking heavy water from a stone
Bye-bye empire, empire bye-bye
Shallow water, channel and tide
Bye-bye empire, empire bye-bye
Tired illusion drown in the night
And I can trace my history down one generation to my home
in one of our submarines

One of our submarines is missing tonight, seems she ran aground on manoeuvres
One of our submarines.

She Blinded Me With Science (T.Dolby/J.Kerr)

It's poetry in motion
She turned her tender eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
But she blinded me with science
And failed me in biology

When I'm dancing close to her
I can smell the chemicals

But it's poetry in motion
And when she turned her eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
But she blinded me with science
And failed me in geometry

When she's dancing next to me
I can hear machinery

It's poetry in motion
And now she's making love to me
The spheres are in commotion
The elements in harmony
She blinded me with science
And hit me with technology

I don't believe it!
There she goes again!
She's tidied up, and I can't find anything!
All my tubes and wires
And careful notes
And antiquated notions

But it's poetry in motion
And when she turned her eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
But she blinded me with science
She blinded me with -

Sale Of The Century (demo) (T.Dolby) - clip

My economist's been in touch
My commodities don't mean much
Take a look at those unit trusts
Everybody here's going bust
It's the sale of the century-get back in line
The sale of the century-these things take time
The sale of the century-you place or mine?

Take a lesson on easy terms
Take the money but don't get burned
False economy pave the way
Now we're turning a whole new page
In the sale of the century-get back in line
The sale of the century-these things take time
The sale of the century-you place or mine?

Is your wax doll stil frying in the fire?

* - another mm101 original

++, music - anderson laurie, music - dolby thomas, music - camper van beethoven

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