May 07, 2015 00:39

INTRODUCTION:The beaching of whales and dolphins have been a tragic phenomenon for several years. I wondered if these animals were deliberately committing suicide, and/or trying to get away from something terrible in the seas. I'm sure that these animals were anxious, exhausted, afraid, disoriented - and so, they could be said to have had, "depression," as well. Mere stress, or illness, or a weakening of the immune system, is a kind of physical, "depression".

But, it is better to think of them as returning to their ancient mechanisms of survival: When they were initially LAND ANIMALS, their herd response to danger or turmoil was to flee the water, and return to LAND, their home. I believe these sea creatures are repeating this inherited or natural response, in reaction to problems in the oceans.

There are several major, (& compounding), problems going on in the oceans, which are surely triggering this response. One problem which has been around for decades, but has been increasing, is: the presence of loud noise in the oceans, almost entirely created by humans. Noise carries far and wide under water, (just like electricity), and so the cumulative effect of many noises can be dramatically loud in any one place.

We must remember that these sea mammals have ears which are highly sensitive, used for communication. They also have associated audio and sonar anatomy and neuronal systems. Beached dolphins have been found with ruptured ear drums.

What is this underwater noise?

Most of this noise is man-made. Oil drilling, in more fierce competition, going deeper, and into the Arctic, disrupting food chains as well. Sounding, radar, and sonar, increasing with the economic rise of other countries, and with the studying of earth and climate changes. Navy beacons, which are fairly recent, loud, and which extend for thousands of miles, disrupting whale communications across hemispheres. (New sonar has been installed around the world which are hundreds of times louder than sonar in the past - and these are a serious problem). SHIPS, traulers, motors, etc., who's noise carry for hundreds of miles.

Would any of these rupture eardrums? Very possibly. The most likely source would be the Navy beacons and sonar. Other noises could do the same, close-up. But there are additional loud, sudden noises. There have been underwater nuclear tests in the past, and we don't know if this is sometimes continuing today. Korea has conducted such tests. In addition, there is construction underseas, as when telecommunication cables are run. There is probably underwater mining, etc., involving not just motors and drills, but some explosions, as well.

There is also non-anthropogenic loud noise occurring, especially lately. As you know, the Earth's magnetic field has become unstable, as the magnetic poles begin to waver.. It is theorised that the numerous sounds of destructive booms, flashes, gratings and, "trumpets," around the world since 2012, on land, have been caused by turmoil and fluxes in this field, associated with changes in the Earth's core.

There is no reason to think that such gigantic booms, etc., could not also occur in the oceans. In fact, there was an instance, recently, of such booms occurring near the Eastern seaboard, followed by a beaching of many dolphins. I believe they had ruptured eardrums - not sure. These events were reported over at http://www.earthfiles.com . [If you would like to improve this important post, perhaps you might like to find the link for that, so it can be added here, with pic].

Again, loud explosions underwater are amplified and carried over distances of thousands of miles. Any sonic changes could cause disorientation for marine mammals, who are so dependent on their sonar.

A study has been done recently, where the increasing presence of underwater noise requires marine mammals to, "shout," louder, above the rising din, in order to communicate and survive. (They are social, intelligent animals). And this exertion puts a heavy tax on the animals and their energy reserves. So, logically, it would be necessary for these animals to eat yet more food, just to be able to keep this up, burning calories by shouting. Unfortunately, food supplies are simultaneously diminishing around the world, especially off the coasts of California or Japan, (because of most of the causes mentioned above and below). Therefore, they are in a Catch-22, no-win trap, and are becoming famished, exhausted and, often, aggressive.

[Link for this study?]

Also, fluxuations in the geomagnetic field would certainly be disorienting to some marine life in the food chain, if not to marine mammals directly.

Now, we get to the whole topic of global warming. First of all, in Siberia and Northern Russia, gigantic holes are puncturing through the land permafrost or ice. I have written about these in the past. The best explanation for this very recent phenomenon is that frozen underground methane is melting, as predicted, and gradually aggregating upwards, until there is a final explosions, (probably not involving ignition). Not only is it possible that such explosions may be occurring beneath the oceans, which are heating rapidly, (like the polar regions), there seems to be evidence of this happening in the distant past as well. On the shore-land of South Carolina, there are pock-mark lakes. These pockmarks may have once been underwater. There are other pockmarks elsewhere on the globe, not attributable to meteors or comets.

Note: We cannot dismiss the possibility that some large crashes or explosions may also be caused by meteors or comets, which have been increasing.

Note: I do not know whether the worldwide increase of sinkholes is attributable to a similar cause, or to the geomagnetic and Earth core changes. I do know that global warming is not entirely unrelated to changes within the core, (involving the geomagnetic field). In fact, everything is related, especially lately, in crisis times. (Even the increase of meteors and comets may not be unrelated to Earth core changes, but this is another topic).

As the oceans warm, and as the use of petrochemical, high-nitrogen fertilisers increase, so do algae blooms around river outlets and ocean shores. Nitrogen can burn skin. But it is also eaten by blue-green algae in the water, creating sometimes-vast, "dead zones." These are areas where oxygen in the water is used up by the algae, starving critical plankton, and other creatures in the food chain, causing a sudden collapse.

This obviously affects marine mammals severely. They may try to escape to distant areas, but even if they succeed, they may become exhausted, and may not find sufficient food or conditions in the new areas.

Actually, "blue-green algae," is not an algae at all, even though it is one of the oldest life-forms on Earth, like algae. It is a bacteria, (because its chloroplasts are not walled, like algae, which are plants). Instead, they are animals (also) called cyano-bacteria, which nevertheless do create a blue/ green pigment.

Many cyano-bacteria produce intense toxins, and are very harmful to marine life, in this way. [They are also thought to be dangerous to humans. But it has been more difficult to study this hypothesis, since humans don't live or breath under water. But, I am fairly sure that mere exposure of human skin to water containing cyano-bacteria may cause serious health problems, including chronic illnesses. You may do a search on this topic. I certainly hope to study it more, and write about it in the future]. So, these toxins do injure and kill marine life, in dead zones, which are additionally deprived of oxygen.

True algae may later move into these zones, but too late.

Other other bacteria can help cause dead-zones. These are bacteria which consume oil, such as those observed after the BP tragedy. As animals, they consume oxygen as well. Feasting on abundant oil near the bottom of the ocean or sea, they similarly starve the surrounding sea fauna of oxygen, which then affects animals all the way up the food chain.

The oceans are polluted with noise. They are also being deprived of oxygen. Another reason why they are being deprived of oxygen is that carbon dioxide is increasing at the oceans' surfaces, while the oceans are also WARMING. So, this encourages an overabundance - an imbalance - of true algae, (which are plants). Yes, algae is a great food source for small marine mammals, and even some whales, etc. In some areas of the planet, this bodes prosperity for those predators. However, in other areas, the true algae growth is displacing other biota, like plankton, which is a more critical food source for many species. The overgrowth is also, simply, disruptive to established ecosystems and food chains.

Think of it as a dramatic growth of weeds or invasives on land, disrupting ecosystems, destroying the soil, and harming farms. Simply having a tendency of some plants to want to grow and proliferate due to higher CO2 does not mean that this will balance out global carbon emissions, and lead to more delicious foods on our tables. Rather, we have seen that there is also an increase of DROUGHTS, and NOISE, and DEAD ZONES, altered currents, stronger hurricanes, and so forth, all putting to shame this naive optimism.

Global warming means climate change. Climate change means imbalance. Imbalance means some good, but a lot more bad, for the majority of creatures and species on the planet, all of whom are impermanent, and not able to sit around waiting for some millions of years, slouching towards some imagined equilibrium. Chaos is the name of the game. A few will win. Most will lose.

Well, the rapid warming of the oceans involves far more danger than true algae growth, just described. As mentioned, there are ocean ecosystems out of balance, due to warming waters and altered currents. These can lead to broad collapses of food chains, up to large marine mammals. Droughts on land can also lead to an impoverishment of nutrients for tiny ocean creatures. Larger hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons, not only disrupt waves and life beneath them, but they can cause torrents of rain, which can wash the land and its pollutants quickly into the waters.

It is a no-brainer, that rising ocean temperatures will affect ocean life in many ways, including requiring animals to be more active, despite a falling food supply, (similar to the effect of NOISE pollution, mentioned above). Very warm pockets may simply be too much for animals to manage, causing them to die. Whether or not global warming, "is man-made or not", it also causes a rise in sea levels, which then destroys shore and swamp ecosystems, so critical in ocean food chains. It also pushes sea water up-river, having much of the same effect.

Global warming is also destroying tiny plankton, and other sea life, as CO2 is greatly absorbed into the oceans. After being absorbed, the CO2 becomes CARBONIC ACID. There is so much of this acid, now, in the oceans, that shelled sea creatures are dying fast, as the carbonic acid destroys the calcium, from which their shells are made. There is no end in sight for this ominous process. A vast collapse of food chains is already underway, as plankton, coral, sea urchins, anemone, clams, oysters, lobsters, star fish, etc., are all under stress, literally being dissolved to death.

What will marine mammals eat? They are being starved to death. And it is only beginning. We are currently witnessing the fastest, and probably the most extensive, mass extinction event ever to rend the Earth.

Like all species, we are biting our stiff upper lip, and pushing on, giving it the old college try, feeling that we can prevail against these problems - like rising temperatures, and even acidification. That is the nature of beings. We humans are fanatically convinced that our technological inventions and systems, which are cradled by our economics, (which are cradled by faltering nature), will be enough to carry us over this, um, expanding, "bad patch". Since we have our gods, (as if other animals do not have theirs), and now ourselves to be masters of the planet, somehow.

[In fact, this latter assumption is one of the tenets of many modern environmentalists, who do not concede that additional factors other than MAN are contributing to global warming, since such an admission would suggest, then, that MAN himself might not be able to solve, or competently address, the global crisis. And, indeed, there are vested interests in the plan for man to address global warming, (on the left), just as there are vested interests in the plan of manly corporations, (i.e., greedy individuals), to deny global warming. I, myself, am rather convinced that there are additional factors adding to global warming, (which is REAL), yet we do not need Puritanical guilt or corporate arrogance to convince us whether or not we should act. I think compassion urges us to act].

Well, just like man, sea creatures push forth in benign arrogance, interested in survival, and distracted by the next food thingie passing by, moment-to-moment, not looking at the bigger picture. Or at the complexity.

Unfortunately, survival isn't so easy, in days like these. Why? Well, as there may be a number of factors, and co-factors, augmenting global warming, (and so climate and ecosystem changes), there are also a number of different co-factors impinging upon species' response to it.

You probably all know of the vanishing species of large star fish along the coast of the Northwest. Why has this been happening? Why have the star fish simply been, "melting", their arms struggling to detach away from the dying bodies? (This subject should be under my tag, "animals - star fish"). Has it been because of rising temperatures? Has it been because of shell calcium being dissolved? Well, yes, but no. You see, for most animals, pushing on through the nagging ELEMENTS, the wear-and-tear, over time, is not computed. However, the stress from rising temperatures and acidification do not kill directly. They WEAKEN. Each individual pushes on, and all are weakened. Then comes the plagues.

The immune system is weakened, and the star fishes succumb to an opportunistic virus, suddenly proliferating, like true algae. This is how the collapse comes. But even we humans do not look at rising Ebola, and so many other pathogens, as indicative of our general weakening as a species, under rising, stressful conditions. But this is the way it happens. It isn't the elements overtly that kill, it is the mass, complex INTERACTIONS within the rising global imbalance!


[A species, as a group, will generally proceed along, against the tide of rising stressors, fending off the more elemental challenges, while some individuals get culled away, as through intra-species aggression; (same in human global politics). Then, this strained equilibrium will suddenly be punctuated by some tragic event, like a virus - or even: like a meteor!, which is often not unrelated to the other stressors, (in some deep, unnoticed way). Minds under stress habitually miss the big ones coming - through the bigger-picture windows].

For the moment, we humans look at all the apparently well people among us, and are inspired by comfortable peer-pressure, to think that we shall prevail. This is a kind of species narcissism. And, it the final days, it was said there would be hubris. And plagues. And signs in the sun.

This is what makes prophesy easy, for those who try to see the big pictures, (forsaking the security of the societal status-quo, perhaps).


So, imagine those dolphins, (and such), bedeviled by all sorts of noise, and by warming temperatures, and by dwindling food, in addition to pollution and over-fishing, and so on. What do they do? They shout louder. They try to race away from the DEAD ZONE, to find food. Yet they only become more and more plagued by surfeit, GLOBAL, STRESS. Just like star fish, or like humans, some opportunistic thing gets into their insides, and begins to eat away at them, from the inside out. They die of viruses. They die of exhaustion. They die of fear. They die of intoxication.

They die of what might be called mass suicides.

Just to escape the stress.

In a kind of cult behaviour.

So, listen, see... There was, a few years ago, a massive gathering of dolphins off the coast of Southern California. It was as if dolphins from far and wide deliberately joined up with this mass. And the dolphins did something weird. All the thousands of dolphins swam together, en masse, splashing in and out of the water as they went, as if wishing to be seen. By humans.


I feel, in my heart, and in my head, that these fellow beings were deliberately trying to communicate with us, telling us to make it stop!

Stop what is killing the oceans. Stop what is being poured into the oceans and into the atmosphere. Stop the noise and the fishing and the reckless boats and ships. Stop what has happened, and stop what is coming next.

Stop the coming DROUGHT.

And stop the radiation proceeding from FUKUSHIMA!

Now, "Fukushima," is very interesting. Nothing destroys the immune system like radiation. (Oil, though, can be pretty bad at times).

As you know, radiation has been pouring out of the Fukushima disaster site since 2012, into the air, into the land, but especially into the ocean. The radiation has officially been said to have reached the USA West coast, (even though this happened a long while back). How has this radiation been affecting the oceans? How has it been affecting marine life? Are there other complications resulting from this radiation, of which we humans are not yet aware? (Yes to the last question - and the topic is fascinatingly dreadful).

How does the Fukushima radiation in the Pacific play into the whole warming ocean situation? Is there some interrelationship? What exactly is causing the California Megadrought? Well, you should know by now, that I am going to say that the drought is caused by a multiplicity of co-factors, just as the effects of global warming alone provides its own multiplicity of co-factors, as seen above, geometrically increasing in interaction, causing stresses on animals, as they feel themselves falling farther and farther behind in their pursuit of mere strength, and then survival. (Hopefully, these dying animals may experience some kind of joy in their last instance of life).

And - is the Fukushima somehow in interaction with Earth core dynamics - or with the SUN?!?!?!

Fukushima deserves, at least, its own post, (in this series), and so pleased stay tuned for PART TWO. In fact, this series was meant to speak specifically to these Fukushima questions, in the context of sea life and global warming. However, I saw the need to discuss all the other ways marine life is being pummelled, prior to the Fuku discussion. And, it was necessary to first discuss global warming a bit, in its own right, because I hope to later discuss how Fuku and global warming might be related, etc. In the mean time, you can find some of this discussion in past posts, under these tags:

"fukushima related"

April 2012:

Hundreds of Dolphins Dead on Peru Coast - http://yubanet.com/world/Hundreds-of-Dolphins-Dead-on-Peru-Coast.php

Mystery surrounds deaths of 877 dolphins washed ashore in Peru - http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/22/world/americas/peru-dead-dolphins/

3,000 Dolphins Found Dead On Peruvian Beaches In 2012 (VIDEO) - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/04/3000-dolphins-dead-peru-beach_n_1403041.html

Mysterious dolphin deaths continue in Gulf of Mexico - http://www.sott.net/article/256457-Mysterious-dolphin-deaths-continue-in-Gulf-of-Mexico

April 2012, (Peru):

3,000 Dolphins Found Dead On Peruvian Beaches In 2012

December 2014, (Peru):
500 more dead sea lions; Fukushima radiation continues to spread across ocean
(NaturalNews) Another mysterious wave of dead sea animals has washed ashore in Peru, the possible consequence of ongoing radiation releases from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility in Japan. BBC News reports that 500 dead sea lions were recently discovered on Peru's northern coastline, some 250 miles north of the capital city of Lima, with no obvious explanation as to why this occurred... -(link above)-

March 2015, (California):
Hundreds more starving sea lions continue to wash up on West Coast
(NaturalNews) According to Shawn Johnson, the director of veterinary science at Sausalito's Marine Mammal Center, for the third year out of five, thousands of sea lion pups have beached themselves in an effort to survive. The sea lions are too young to be without their mothers and, as a result, are not able to fend for themselves in the water. After trying desperately to find food, the sea lions came ashore -- nothing but skin and bones and a mass of internal parasites, and too weak to go on any longer... -(link above)-

April 2015, {Posted MADMAN101}, (California):
Starving sea lions now fight U.S. fishermen for food as West Coast ecosystem collapses
"(NaturalNews) The West Coast ecosystem is in a state of dire collapse. The Southern California sea lion population is dwindling to new lows as countless hungry and emaciated pups wash ashore. There's simply not enough food to go around for the mammals. Some believe the acidity of the waters is intensifying, not allowing certain species of fish to survive. The sudden decline in sardine biomass off the West coast is directly impacting larger animals in the food chain like the Southern California sea lions. A record number of these beautiful sea mammals have been rescued since 2013, when an unusual "mortality event" was declared. As the animals struggle to find food, some appear to be getting vicious and may now attack humans for food."... -(link above)- & http://madman101.livejournal.com/1684810.html?nc=2#comments

'Warm Blob' in Pacific Ocean to Blame for Wonky US Weather - This same climate variability helped create the warm blob, and has been getting progressively more influential on global weather patterns since 1980, the study found.
People can also thank the blob (in part) for the drought conditions experienced in California, Oregon and Washington this year. As the air cycles over the warmer water, it heats up and brings less snow, translating into drier conditions inland.

What's more, this warm blob has been disrupting ocean ecosystems, the researchers said. For instance, fish have been spotted in new waters, in part because they lack the normally nutrient-rich, cold waters that upwell from deep in the ocean. Skinny and dying sea lion pups and seabirds have been washing ashore off California's coast, according to the "Annual State of the California Current Ecosystem Report."... -(link above)-
This innocuous-sounding, "warm blob", has been diverting currents and El Nino rains from reaching the West Coast. Is it the cause of the drought. Are there more than one cause, such as other global warming changes? And is this warm blob related to global warming - or could it possibly be related to FUKUSHIMA? Or both???...
Media reports on warm 'blob' in Pacific Ocean pretend it can't be related to huge plume of radioactive waste
.....According to media reports, no one knows what has caused the unusually warm Tropical waters responsible for all of these climate and ecological effects. But some have asked whether radioactive material emitted into the ocean by the Fukushima disaster might not be partially responsible.... -(link above)-
This is the incident which prompted me to write this latest Fukushima Update, which has quickly turned into the, "On The Beach," series!: Drone carrying radioactive material lands on Japanese PM's office in apparent Fukushima protest

(Please note, there are two Fuku nuke plants presently going through tests, to see if they are "safe" enough to restart. Do not be confused: These are not the nukes which exploded, etc. The nukes which exploded in 2012 are tragically destroyed).

You can also view my tag for dolphins here: http://madman101.livejournal.com/tag/animals%20-%20dolphins

music - musical trends, mathematics - predictive models, my predictions and prophesies, nuclear/ radiation, toxins - carbonic acid, animals - fish/ - star-fish, psychology - stress, extinction events / mass extinctions, all * denial, all * nuclear, food chains, economy - economic trends, states - california, s- 'on the beach' (series), countries - japan, geological - magnetic field/ pole shift, animals - whales, geological - booms and trumpets, fukushima related, psychology - denial - group, animals - sea lions, foundation for economic trends, environ - drought - megadroughts, all * climate change, environ - ocean pollution, environ - climate models/ predictions, environ - invasive species, geological - earth changes, animals - blue-green algae, animals - dolphins, environmentalists, social trends / pop trends, trends / global trends, prophesy - and see predictions and proph, politics - political trends/annalysis, animals - cyano-bacteria, countries - peru, environ - pollution - noise pollution, oceans - gulf of mexico, toxins - b - cyano-bacteria, animals - beachings, animals - marine mammals, animals - psychology, oceans - atlantic "cold blob", animals - prescience, links - climate change/ global warming, oceans - atlantic ocean, plants - algae, environ - ocean warming, all * trends / predictions, enviro-fundamentalism, species survivalism, environ - oceans (and see oceans), evolution - punctuated equilibrium, oceans - pacific "warm blob", koyaanisqatsi - (life out of balance), environ - algae blooms, regions - usa pacific northwest, geological - methane / in space, all * mob psychology, predictions and prophesies, environ - climate change/ global warming, art - trends in art, environ - drought - california, end of world, environ - species collapse, animals - bacteria, environ - ocean radioactive plume/s, entropy - and stress, oceans - pacific ocean, environ - ocean dead-zones, toxins - co2, fukushima disaster, environ - ocean acidification, oceans - sonic testing, environ - drought / heatwaves

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