One day, we will look around and realise we have become food for some deranged species of insect etc

Apr 29, 2015 22:09

Starving sea lions now fight U.S. fishermen for food as West Coast ecosystem collapses

"(NaturalNews) The West Coast ecosystem is in a state of dire collapse. The Southern California sea lion population is dwindling to new lows as countless hungry and emaciated pups wash ashore. There's simply not enough food to go around for the mammals. Some believe the acidity of the waters is intensifying, not allowing certain species of fish to survive. The sudden decline in sardine biomass off the West coast is directly impacting larger animals in the food chain like the Southern California sea lions. A record number of these beautiful sea mammals have been rescued since 2013, when an unusual "mortality event" was declared. As the animals struggle to find food, some appear to be getting vicious and may now attack humans for food.".....

(link above)

fukushima related, animals - sea lions, environ - climate change/ global warming, oceans - pacific ocean, environ - oceans (and see oceans), +, end of world, all * climate change, states - california

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