Hey baby!

Sep 10, 2013 22:02

Got chemicals?

Usually, I spend at least an hour preparing my brain to be able to take my dog outside - 3x per day. However, I have run out of coconut oil and Turmeric; and I wrongly ate GMO carbs late last night, and I went out sooner than I should have, soon after the Obamaganda. So, while outside, I suddenly lost perception-balance at the back of my brain, and everything was intensely dizzy, and my body tried to fall directly backwards, while I was on the porch. I possibly heard a small gasp coming from the adjacent Nether window.

This immediately followed 2 incidents. First, something quickly crawled up my leg, which could have been a big fly or a big cockroach. Conditions are right for cockroaches again. I couldn't investigate, but decided to swat it dead - so I never found out what it was. Maybe this happened after - I can't even remember... But the other incident was that some teens came from one direction, and although they stopped in a nearby yard, one of the teens began a coughing fit - possibly triggered by fear of my dog, while trying be tuff, idk. Meanwhile, from the other direction came two big guys. The white guy was very drunk and was whistling to my dog. I was too ill to reprimand him, and its best not to get drawn into drunk idiocy. So, he tries to yell something... something... "...dog!" But he stumbles about and almost falls on top of a passing black girl, with a cute little bod, who was with her friend. He starts saying, "Hey b-baby," into her face, and she gets away from him, and he goes on stumbling and whistling. Then one of the two girls reprimand him, (I think - or else me), saying something like, "Why are you doing that shit? That shit ain't even cool. See that big wolf there, and something something..." I just gave her a smile and she continued walking away. And the two drunk guys continue in their opposite direction, but the white guy is still dog-whistling a block away. Therefore, a little swarm of black guys descend upon the two drunk guys and chase them across the street. I haven't yet seen something like this become a beating, but it might have been. They must have thought he was whistling at them, when he was just whistling at drunkness. So, I watched it to see if the whole exploding crowd doubled back in my direction. Just keeping track of these various vectors caused my brain to fail and that's when I almost collapsed. I have been trying to push back dementia all day. Well - then I tucked my dog inside, and managed to come back out and spray a little anti-cockroach spray around. I dread to think of cockroaches returning - or the two drunk guys returning, blaming me for whatever.

(The girl turned around and headed for the drunken brawl, completely restoring my faith in humanity not).

My predictions on Obama's speech were correct, except that he didn't request action from Congress for longer-term, "just-in-case" permission to hit Syria at some time down the road. This seems nice. It isn't necessarilly nice. Obama has made the following leaps, which means he can go bomm Syria whenever some false flag incident pops up:

1 - Assad used chemical weapons. (Almost certainly wrong. Evidence is poor, & mostly verbal. ("Hair samples"?!?!) Counter-evidence is strong.
2 - Therefore, these anonymous videos of children suffering in some chemical attack somewhere means that we must attack Assad's Syria, to defend the UN PRINCIPLE Opposing Chemical Weapons use, when to do so itself violates that very treaty.
3 - Liberals should get over themselves and look how terrible it is that those children are suffering in the videos, and agree with me that we must hit Syria at some point.
4 - Because Assad used these weapons which killed these children in violation of a principle, and our exceptionalism, I have decided that these weapons are A THREAT TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY, even though they are not. Because PRINCIPLE says they are. LAW!!
6 - And - can you BELIEVE this one: If we don't punish Assad, the enemy of of the Al Quano rebels we support, then Al QUANO WILL ONLY GET STRONGER! And that would be terrible! Even though we support them!

So - like I said - this is all by a script. It doesn't mean that Obama isn't managing to finagle things around the wishes of the NWO bankster PUPPETEERS, who are demanding some war. And, again, all that is needed for things to go "forward" is some false flag event, unsuspected by the public, who's guard is down, and who have felt all relieved and comfortable, and all cozied with similar deaths of issues, like the NSA spying scandal, etc. Either Obama is really dumb, with no imagination, or he is playing chess either FOR the controllers, or AGAINST the controllers - or both - and he is a genius - mad or all-American. Actually, its more like things are so complicated, that he is just trying to hold onto to some semblance of a wheel, possibly while driving drunk, possibly while smoking weed, possibly while dealing sanely with chaos - it isn't too different to my own life. Hey, baby.

Oh - plans could easilly have been changed, so that Assad could be taken out some other way. But, I really have no idea who is really in TRUE charge here. I do know it isn't us. When push comes to shove.

Harry Reid, member of Congress, which has a 17% credibility rating: "Assad has zero, zero credibility!"

Syria is something like the 128th least happy country on Earth. They probably have a better grasp of reality than we do, who careen over the edge of a cliff owing the world trillions upon trillions of dollars. EXCEPTIONAL!!!

Where's mine, yo? Where the fuck is mine?!

PS - Note to self: Write about the strange UFO's, Air bases in Alaska, and how this war is a shadow of 1800's and WWI imperialism.

FACT CHECK - - - http://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-obamas-syria-case-still-lacks-proof-014418537--politics.html

war - syria, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, health - cfs - 2 (cfs / my cfs), countries - syria, local customs, crazy people - drunks and see drunks

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