So, well, I made it to the outpost, in Carson City. Only two horses died. Surrounded by cannibals. Send hot sauce. Oh, wait. That's the Dahmer Party. That's a band that split off from the English Beat in the 1990's, who went on with the hit, "She Drives Miss Daisy."
I bought some silver in Carson City, and it was a silver round, with a picture of Charles Lindbergh, the inventor of cheese, on it. It said, "Charles Lindbergh, Populist / Patriot." I said, wait, that means he was an old style Progressive, like the VP of President McKinley, (who was deaded), by the name of Mr. Bullwinkle himself, Teddy Bear Roosevelt. (In case you think I am lying, just look at the tag on your Teddy Bear). Well - I have never really understood WHAT (TF) was up with Lindbergh's politics - and maybe that's because it was tainted by a lot of propagated gossip, to make people think he was a rabid communist. But, the fact remains, that this fine young man who brought cheese to France had a baby which was mysteriously OFFED. So - I don't recall the date of that, but it should provide invaluable insight. Because, i mainly have the general idea that the bankster coup started during the Progressive years, and culminated in 1913 with the creation of the Fed and taxes. And, I have come to accept that some of the wrongs of today were partly facilitated by the wonderful Progressives of the early part of the 1900's. In the same way that Puritan progressives forced Native Americans into white schooling,and who pushed for Prohibition - they were just dumb shits, like all other humans. Well, then along came that guy that the rich Republicans wanted to do an ACTUAL coup on FDR, with their war-hero stooge - oh I forgot his weird name cuz I'm CFS+wine. By the way - how did the GOP guy who was later OFFED, President McKinley, elected? By choosing a very war-hero-like VP running mate, Teddy Roosevelt. (Teddy had nothing to lose, being so rich, so he swung into being an altruistic yet proudly violent Progressive. The point being: They used to choose VPs who appealed to the patriotism of the populist - whereas, today, they choose a VP who is a CIA plant who runs the war machine and so the entire dog called Americaland).
After that attempted COUP, which is an actual fact of American history, the official scum settled in after WWII, with an influx of NAZI's from "defeated" Germany, and created the NATIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 1947 - which created the NSA, which now bleeds the fuck out of our good country. They also instituted other dubious - nay, nefarious - stuff, which continued to serve the banksters, but also set up a PLANNED National Security State, based on the NAZI model. Out of this came Dulles; Nixon; Dick Haliburton/Blackwater/BP Cheney; Donald Phiser/Monsanto/Chemical-WMDs-to-Iraq Rumsfeld; John-Birch/Koch-Brothers/Heritage-Inst., etc. - and let's not pretend that LBJ was not partly in on these deals, because he was, harangued by the official mobster, J. Edgar Hoover, and Southern racist, Chicago mobsters, etc. Mostly, though, the BANKS. When it all boils down to it, it was the BANKS, (& so Wall Street), who killed JFK, who have gone more and more corrupt ever since the War of 1812. The Jeffersonians lost. The realist Progressives lost. For now. I took a break from this post, and forgot why it exists - but I will say this: It was Prescott Bush and his family who has been most to blame for where we are today. Next, is Israel. Not Israel per se, but the ideological Zionist money-fanatics, associated with Saudi and London Banks.
Hehhhhhhhhhh... So, now for some light reading... Sure enough, Nether Girl heard me cough and became quasi-infumed, thinking I was competing with her and so, what did she do when I took out dog-head this afternoon?! She decided to be right out there in my face again,like days of yore, and there she was, walking out BOTH DOGS together. Which is to say, they never fulfilled the LL request to get rid of dog #2, since that isn't allowed on the lease. So, I was right - I assumed that they wouldn't comply, because they are shit-head absolutists, convinced of their delusions, that they are always right. And N-Girl WANTS to be convinced that this is a WHITE CONSPIRACY against her, so now she is challenging me to report her, so she has something to rally against - madman, the Great White Satan. It doesn't matter how nice you are to them, they are at war from day #1, and it is completely... I don't have the word right now, maybe later. But, I am not the sort who goes snooping around looking for violations and then snitching and so on. Which is what they do. But, they put it in the public domain, and they only give themselves more rope to hang. I AM PUBLIC DOMAIN MAN! I think someone gave me a SOLIDARITY fist when they drove by, when I grimaced and decided to pick up a small bag of trash and dispose of it along the merry way.
Oh - I went to the Saloon in Carson City, 1843. I said I wanted to shop for wine, behind this new rope they have up across the area. Most other, FUCKING WHITE OR BLACK, allow me to go back there with my bag. But since I said to this guy who doesn't know me,"I'm just going back there," he insisted I leave my bag on the counter. Which I did, even though THIS IS NOT AMERICA. When I came back to check-out, I picked up a book he was reading and looked at it, knowing that this would be a convo/bonding move. I was right. He began talking to me about this book he was reading, partly because he felt guilty telling me to leave my bag, and hearing me telling him, "I am totally NOT that way, just so you know." "In The Silence of Crows," or some damn thing I have heard of before. So, he tells me it is about this serial killer who's first victim he had boiled in blood and so forth and so I said, "Well, that's just how I like them!"
Ha, ha, ha, ha! It was too surreally ultra-predictable how he then shut down on me, not expecting such an, A - totally fun, creative, witty response, or, B - the response of a serial killer who should never have been trusted to shop BEYOND THE ROPE!!!!!!!!!
After that, I acted gay and said, "Happy reading," and all that shit, but the damage had been done. This joker was trapped in his 2-D life, ad there as nothing I could do to save him, even if I HAD WRITTEN THE FUCKING BOOK, WHICH I DID, BTW, PLEASE BUY IT SO I CAN MAKE LOTS OF MONEY AND BOIL MORE PEOPLE IN OIL!
OK - I have been meaning to get around to this.....
I have hypotheses, and I have META-hypotheses. The latter are a lot like conspiracy theories. They depend on a lot of component hypotheses to be proved as true, in order for them, themselves, to be acceptable convo at cocktail parties.
BTW - when I was in college, majoring in INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, there was a lot of whoo-ha about how, not only was, "TERRIBLISM," to be the next big wave, along with, "FUNDAMENTALISM", but that countries would use this label as an excuse to go into other countries aggressively. They never came right out and said that the USA would be doing this, but they said, yeah, THIS IS THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE. I GUESS THEY WERE JUST ACADEMIC FUCKING CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, YES?
I'm just going to make this short and painful:
Obama is 'See-Eye-Aye'. He has always been 'See-Eye-Aye'. This is not 'See-Eye-Aye' we want to believe in - it is a corruption, for MONEY. He was ushered in partly by the doctoring or George Herbert Walker Bush, SON OF PRO-NAZI, PRESCOTT BUSH. GHW Bush was also the primary evil force behind the REAGAN ADMINISTRATION. Reagan was just a stooge - like, DUH. The Bush family has been behind our politics for at least 43 years, in cahoots with the Saudi Royal Family, Saudi Banks, Israeli Zionists and Banksters, London Banks, and the Rothschild. What we have been allowing has bee an orchestrated, genocidal COUP - a legacy of the NAZIS - and Obama is very much a party to that, even though he gratifies us with liberal social issues like gay marriage and so forth. They are PLAYING us,just as they played conservatives under Bush #2. Get this through your head, OBAMA IS A CONTINUATION OF THE CIA-GLOBAL-NATIONAL-SECURITY-BANKSTER-STATE, started by Prescott Bush and associated NAZI imports. I always look at both sides, and the RIGHT is right on this. I don't care where that lands me.
Part 2 - Benghazhi. I have no idea if I spelted that rightly. But, yeah, it WAS a big deal, and it was about funnelling arms and heat-seeking missiles to turkey for Syrian, "rebels". As per THE USUAL FORMULA, rotten agents of this gov't, and their contractors, "we" go into a country and try to destabilise it, so we can put in our own radical right-wing Islamists, so we can sell them drugs and arms and demand that they keep their countries on the petro-dollar standard, which is the supreme goal - even of a lot of UNITED NATIONS people.
Benghazhi - why they came down so hard on Hillary... Because they already knew, by then, that she would be running for president. THAT IS NO REASON WHY WE SHOULD VOTE FOR HER. THIS LEFT-RIGHT PARADIGM JUST KEEPS THE BANKSTERS IN POWER, AND HILLARY HAS PROVED HERSELF TO BE PRO-BANKSTERS.
OK. Got that. Barack Obama is BS. I don't care if he is a vastly incompetent BOOB, making him a PUPPET - and I don't care if he is a willing participant in this crap, raised by the See-Aye-Aye since birth - the result is the same - and, WE THE VOTING PEOPLE OF THE USA EXPECT DIFFERENTLY. I also don't care of if this puts me at odds with narrow-minded liberals, blue-dogs, moderates, or even liberal-libertarians, or mainstreamers. I COME DOWN ON THE SIDE OF THE TRUTH AND IT IS TIME TO STOP DINKING AROUND.
Not to mention the CHICAGO SCHOOL, behind all this, economically - the Austrian school, with a penchant for gov't borrowing TOWARDS THE CENTRALISTS. And if you don't think that the people who are party to this crap are not RACISTS, you are wrong. Most of them are not just greedy. They have generalised their righteousness to every possible crevice, and so, they find, racism can be a profound legitimiser of their greed, as much as anything else. For spiritual purposes, I will add, they only go where the unregulated capitalist, entropic system TELLS them to go.
Next... Here's the next meta-hypothesis... The helicopter that exploded during the so-called final extermination of Osammmmmma Bin-Lala, was contrived by nefarious agents of our nefarious gov't.... I'm pooped... more later... PLEASE RESEARCH THIS!!!!!!!!!!