"Losing the moral fight."

Jul 25, 2012 14:47

Here's a good wee summary on how the planet is overheating, for whatever reason. I am hoping to make new posts to w_a_r_m_i_n_g soon - so be sure to watch or join if you see this as important. Usually, on days when it's in the 90's outside, I am too overwhelmed to be able to do anything at all, and the heat does affect my CFS brain as well. But today, while it's presently 98 degrees outside, (and I live upstairs with two walls completely exposed to the sun), and I have no air conditioner, my indoor temp is at 81 - ! - ?! So, my cooling strategy has worked well today, so far - and this is greatly due to the humidity not being so high outside, (although there are NOAA warnings of possible brushfires). Earlier, I even had a tall wonderful coffee whilst out with the dog! Hopefully, my little bubble won't suddenly melt soon...


religion and philosophy, libertarianism, environ - climate change/ global warming, rand - ayn, denial, all * climate change, regions - usa midwest, all * denial, environ - climate deniers, economics - objectivism, history - 2012 - midwest drought, dostoyevsky - fyodor, economics - philosophy, religion - christianity - errant, environ - drought / heatwaves, food - food crisis / 2022+

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