If I could have a wish again...

May 22, 2012 10:25

I am angry that politics exists. You'd think by now, after 10,000 years, groups and governments would have figured out how to do things rationally, fairly and organically. Instead, the idiocy never ends. The examples are too many to describe without spontaneously combusting. Michigan, the new Florida, (or is that New Jersey?), declares it has a problem with wild hogs in the woods, which it stupidly refers to as a, "breed." In fact, these feral hogs are a genetic mix of many "wild and domestic" gene pools. But the Michigan State of Insanity seizes upon the "crisis,' as it has seized upon municipal, "bankruptcies," to extend its RIGHTFULNESS into the business of private farmers, and fill its coffers/politicians/parasites up with more money. Farmers are ordered to comply with the state's "solution" or be fined and, hey, probably imprisoned... Alongside people who traffic in raw milk or lemonade stands. What is the state's "solution"? To patrol the farmer's herds and kill any domestic hogs even vaguely, i.e. NOT, related to those hogs running around in the woods. How do they scientifically determine this relation, to a feral "BREED" which doesn't even exist? By looking at HAIR COLOURS. Does you hog have a hint of red or brown hair? Kill the hog. Or is it this colour at the base of the hair but kinda this other colour at the tip? KILL THE HOG! The more and more detailed they get about their specifications for slaughter (and financial ruin), ACCORDING TO THE FALLACY OF THE BEAN-COUNTING ETHIC, the more they expect a dumbed down public to conclude they are being "SCIENTIFIC"! Cuz the technocrats are AUTHORITIES. They know BEST. And wild hogs are SCARY! KILL THE HOGS! KILL THE HOGS! BEELZEBUB, WE HAVE ARRIVED!




**-#:o= Seeking links on: latest OCCUPY; natural cancer therapies; best foods to have around; GREECE/Euro; volcanoes and qukes; paranormal events/news; TSA/ creeping fascism/ NDAA/ CISPA; BP disaster; world food issues; Alzheimers/Autism/CFS etc.; police or government abuse... Maybe starting two new communities. Prolly spending all day on this LJ stuff, just to catch up on my responsibilities. To see most of my communities, see communities101. Thanks and kisses to miss_watson for still being around! Here ya go, Dandi- http://images.craigslist.org/5Nf5G85F33Fa3M33Jfc5g9f1a8cde862c1267.jpg - Oh, and did I mention Asian Carp? Asian Carp.

food - meat is murder/ meat_be_murder, politics, agri - farmers, states - michigan, wild hogs in the woods, lgbt - lesbians, fascism - creeping fascism/ rise of fasc, bb - big agra

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