Awake #3

Nov 30, 2011 16:53

Spiritus Mundi - ©101

These sweet moments soon will pass
Like sands through the hourglass,
And though they seem alone so fine,
Oblivion they become in time.
The very grains we call our own,
Great and lesser men have known
Into infinity, all thoughts dissolve,
And forever with the glass revolve.
Animal Justice (LJ post)-

"Unum Cum Virtute Multorum," whispers the wind.

poetry - my poetry (see also), environ - nature / love of nature, all * entropism, consciousness/ nature of consciousness, russek - linda, my poems / haiku / etc., all * consciousness, transcendentalism, eternity, interconnectedness, s- 'awake' (series), s- poetry - 'awake' (series), universe - living energy universe, schwartz - gary, shanti, death - / dying / mortality, physics - time (and space-time), unum cum virtute multorum, entropy - and memory/ time/ cogn

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