Nov 07, 2008 18:42

I never imagined that I would be here. In all of my mistakes, ill-thought decisions, and conceived thoughts, I never had this place or time in mind. Granted I'm not sure I had very much in mind at all other than world domination...only kidding. And yet, as far away as I feel from my twenty year old self, I strangely feel like I have the same presence of spirit. The invisble gossamers that gently pull me through life have not been broken, merely extended to new lengths. Now instead of taking for granted the fact that the web is there, I have begun to see it in place, and even woven a few strands myself. In time I will be the creator of my beautiful web, yet the designer will still be the wholly other.

And isn't that faith? And growing.
Weaving together the gossamers of eternity
until I can picture the design in it's entirety
and then, perchance, to catch a brief glimpse of the designer.
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