dean: smarter than your average rock.

Feb 06, 2011 21:16

oh supernatural, be thou mine forever. never leavest me again.

and now, with no further ado...


first off, i love misha's voice. i love it and i love to listen to it.

and... what is this?! is this... this is!

OH MY GOSH!!!! MULLET ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hells to the yeah! do you know how long i have waited to hear the return of the mullet rock?! FOREVER!!!!!

oh my gosh. i have missed you so much supernatural. i am literally in tears!!!! in tears!

i need a tissue...

death says: don't scratch sammy.


ooooooooook. small planes, thunder storms: i am not a pilot and i even know this is a bad idea.


oh, her name is penny. i like the name penny.

but penny has a really bad scream. :/

awww, cas. poor cas. they just make him chest rape people. and then dean is mr cranky pants.

you be nice to cas, dean!!!

man, i love cas. just saying.

"like my daddy always said: just because it kills your liver doesn't mean it ain't medicine." bobby, you rock my toe-socks.

gosh. this is tense. will he or won't he...

it doesn't surprise me that bobby knows a word with an accent note.



oh my gosh! SAMMY IS BACK!!!

... and oh my gosh he doesn't remember anything.

oh wow. oh wow. oh wow. oh wow.

"was there anything else i should know?" erm, yes, don't itch. EVER!

lol. "why the poopface?"

no, it isn't going to be cute... but then, sam never was. sorry sorry, but it's true.

MORE CLASSIC ROCK!!!!! *in heaven*

ohhhhhh! guys! this is JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS!!!! dean and sam and the impala, riding around, fighting monsters, doing research, classic rock... gosh, i am just so giggly right now!

can i take a brief moment to say that i like the colors of that scene? in the car, with the sodium yellow of the town lights passing through the rain splattered windows. i want icons from that scene... just saying. i gotta go coerce someone into making me some :D

new relationship or not, i would NOT go up in a two-seater plane in the middle of a rainstorm. past history with small planes and plane crashes aside, there is no way on this planet that i would, even to show a guy i was "interested". he would understand... or he would hit the road. for reals.

aww, dean steals a diary and sam is all honorable about it. ♥

yes dean, we know you're a manwhore... we still love you.

what is this, worthless screamers episode?! disappointed.

sam isn't the other man. no he isn't. fangirls around the world are so happy too! really, very, honestly, happy.


yes, w.o.w. ruins lives. look, now, poor virgins are being kidnpped and killed because of world of warcraft. evil. is this reason enough world? can we finally end wow's reign of horror and life-ruining?!

harry potter reference AND a lord of the rings reference all in one episode!!! oh the joy of being a fangirl.

i would love it dean showed up at my doorbell speaker thing. not that i am a doctor, or have any intellect on anything that the winchester's would find helpful. but still, a girl can dream.

lolz. sword in the stone: this is EPIC.

God bless that man and his determination! come on arty, get that sword!

sam is geekboy again. i love geekboy sam. in fact, i am going to make this post's icon a sam geekboy icon. because he deserves it.

awwww, he's praying. and oh! cas shows up! oh dear, he could be the weak link... poor cas, don't say anything!


" i would hug you..."

"would be awkward."
liar sam is a lying liar. look at him, being a liar! but oh... oh poor sammy. honest wonderful cas... poor sad sammy :(

dean should have told him. DEAN YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM!!!!

oh no he didn't. dean, you are not a nice house guest, breaking people's swords.

pause. NEW I AM NUMBER FOUR TRAILER!!!!! *flails*

oh back to spn :D

no dean, cut that out. stop stealing the ancient beast's treasure. he is sure to be cranky with you.

see, cranky.

COMIC-CON!!!!! psst, i'm going there!!! :D

there's another one?! srsly. girls are so useless! i would have yelled that out first thing!!! oh hey handsome men, there's two of them. look out behind you!!!

you know what they say: the best dragon is a dead dragon.

i wanna see dean roll in treasure. can shirts be an option????

i love these heart to heart talks. oh wow. sam is taking it really well. good boy.


see, sam isn't a child. dean needed to just tell him. because sam is an adult and yea, he was quasi-evil and now he's better. and oh, he wants to fix things.

can i say that i like sam now? maybe it's just that he's so NOT soulless!sammy. i hated soulless!sam.

ew. who writes books on human skin?!

"it describes this place. it's like the backside of your worst nightmare: all blood and bone and darkness. filled with the bodies and souls of all things hungry and sharp and nasty."
listening to bobby say that is just about my favorite thing ever. it's like some horrible children's story that's going to give me nightmares but i love it!
monsterland :D

oh my gosh! purgatory!!!

oh, crowley :'(

oh great GOD! this. is. not. good.

why, hello there mother! you look well, been having a good time, have you, in the PIT OF DESPAIR?!!!! grrrrr

my theory: dean will gank a byatch. oh yeah.

in final: great episode. much better than the initial return of the show that i love. sam is back and i am loving it. he's like the mc rib sandwich at mcdonalds: while i am not personally a fan, it's good to know that something people love has returned. i am all for the happiness of all. there was no drag... there WAS dragons tho. and a little humor and MULLET ROCK! have i mentioned how completely awesome it is to have mullet rock back?! oh i did. ok. ALSO you wanna know whats funny? sammy's hair doesn't look so bad all of a sudden...


cas count: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he was both snarky and sweet, how perfect of him.

next episode: not much to go on. looks like sam's going to do some atoning. at least he isn't pissed or all 'i have to go lock myself in my room now and pout.' that sam just made me cranky.

edit: i have lost my geekboy sammy icon. maybe it's on my other computer. at any rate, still a sammy icon... but just remember he's also geeky :D

for your viewing pleasure: my favorite scene from this episode!!!

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