May 14, 2006 12:44
An....interesting weekend.......
On Friday I got my passport renued....that took a while lol. I'm not going anywhere. It was expiring and in case I wanna go (or rather God calls me) on a missions trip sometime soon I'll be prepared. :)
Then I went all over picking up job applications. Yes, it is sooon to be summer and sooooner to be rich lol. So I spent most of the afternoon online and on paper lol filling out my apps. I got my social security number memorized after all that lol.
Yeah, then I went to the eating disorder to do video for all ten people that went. I was kinda disappointed at the turn out but I'm sure some people were blessed by it. Then I came home.
Saturday...woke up at the crack of dawn for chemistry labs. We get there at 9 teachers shows up twenty minutes later. UgH. So we need some more interesting experiements than last time lol. Chemistry and I don't get along very well but making fire can be fun lol.
Then I came home, hung around the house till sevenish. Then Bill picked me up and we went to go find his mommy a present. Our mission was accomplished so we went for ice cream. Then Alan gave us a ring and we went to go meet a bunch of peoples for bowling (but we never actually bowled). So we hung with them and I met this girl Jenna, she was cool/nice. Bill drove me home and then i went to sleep.
Today (Sunday) was truly the MOST interesting church experience I have ever had IN MY LIFE lol. I usually help out with worship for the 6-11 years olds for first service. Today, unbeknown to me I was on ALONE for the 3-5s. As stated in the last sentence I was not aware of this unitl I got there!!! Yikes. Basically I sang a capelo like 4 songs that I haven't sung since I was their age. It was truly sad, but I was willing be used so hopefully the little kids had a good time. ;-)
On to second service....we were having MAJOR MAJOR techinical difficulties. The screens stopped working for first so Patrick rushed me to his office to make song sheets for everyone. I had like ten minutes and he was over my shoulder most of the time. It was very intense lol. So those start printing like mad ten minutes before service starts and I go back to the booth were everything is WORkING!!! Yea, for now. Half way through the service everything died again. But then it came back....oye. TWAS VERY HECKTIC. lol I lived though.....
Anyway....that was a very long entry . :-/ sorrrys . Soon I will be going out to lunch with all the extended family for my grandparents 25th aniversary and Mothers Day. So If you're a mother ,....happy mothers day. If you're not, be good to your mother =)