Jan 22, 2006 17:12
So lets see....
Friday: I woke up really early to go skiing (6:00).... it was really warm out and therfore really slushy. But that was okay, I still had a good time. We got back around four and I had dinner and went to Impact. There was a guest speaker...he was alright. I didn't get much out of his sermon though. Hung around, since it ended so early I was so tired and spacy!!! It was quite ridiculous, lol. Went home, went to bed at like 11:30 but was woken up by someone named.....Shannon but its okay, I leave my phone on all night so it was my fault. So yeah, Shannon and I texted until like 1:30.... so I was very tired because..........
Saturday: I woke up really early to go to the creation seminar (6:30)..... it was kind of dull, but I lived. I learned some cool stuff about evolution and all that. I met up with an old friend there, who I haven't seen in ages. So, that was cool. Bill called asking if I could do video for first service (meaning I had to get up early AGAIN), yeah, I declined. Came home around 3:30 and hung around till shannon picked me up for dinner. We went to Jersey Freeze (yes they sell regular food). Had some good girl talk time. We stopped in Barnes and Noble and read really funny Valentines Day cards and bought notebooks! (For those of you that don't know....I like notebooks, a lot) Then I came home, hung around with my bro (cause my parents weren't home) and then went to sleep! (yeah, sleeeeep).
Sunday: I woke up kind of early to go to first service (7:00)....it was good, PLP spoke on loving your neighbor. Second service I did video with Matt and Bill. We had Dunkin Doughnuts..... Then I went home and Nina called. So we decided to go to the mall cause we were incredibly bored. We went, for a few hours, I bought a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. We had dinner, and now I'm back. I'm so tired, I need to go to bed REALLY early. Sleep is oh so good. Maybe I can watch a movie tonight...hmmm, sounds good. Byes....