FUCK! BOB HOPE DIED! WHOAHHHHHHHH! ("Bob Hope never used the F-word.....")
See that pic above? CNN's had this one prepared (and others just like it, only with a different end-date) since 1991. I hate how they pre-package people's deaths. "Oh he will be remembered; He's an American icon; She was a classy lady of the Golden Age of American Cinema; We'll miss his/her zany antics." Thanks for the platitudes.
How's this for American icons? (for fun, play "Count the Hairpieces." I see three myself....)
My money's on Reagan for who's next.
The thing is, I like old Bob Hope movies. That guy could be really really funny, I've seen clips from the 18 times he hosted the Oscars. Some of those "Road" films with Bing Crosby were hilarious. HILARIOUS, I tell you. Especially Singapore, Morocco, and Utopia. Check it out. "Fancy Pants" with Lucille Ball is pretty good. And "The Ghost Breakers" is fantastic. Except black actor Willie Best is forced to play the most stereotyped role, as the superstitious servant, with fucked-up lines like "Who dat, Who dat? I's is fraid o' ghosts." Which is too bad, because Willie Best had great comedic timing and could have done much more. But I digress...
Believe it or not, Hope had a huge influence on Woody Allen. He had a great delivery, once upon a time. Then came the USO shows, godawful TV Specials, stale one-liners, relentless mugging, and the Republican-approved comedy. It tarnished, for me, the image of someone who had been really special. A hell of a lot better than Milton Fucking Berle. Talk about a comedian who stole other people's jokes.....oy vey.
Jack Benny was funnier than both of them put together.
Jack Benny with Ed Wynn and Ernie Kovacs.
Tell me Jack doesn't look like a cross between Kevin Spacey and Bill Hicks! Pancreatic cancer got Jack too.
But I digress again. Anyway, Bob Hope was a nice guy. He and his wife Dolores adopted all four of their kids, he was a good wife....er, husband and a good father. And he did the USO shows to make troops happy. There aren't a lot of people who get up in the morning with that intention. So it means something. Not that I would ever join the fucking military. I never understood why ANYone, post-Vietnam (or even post-Korea) would OPT for the army. Fuck me, that war was torture to soldiers and civilians, Vietnamese and American. I wish these heads of state would just sit home and play Battleship. or Yahtzee.
This last quote is nice I think. I hope we can all die this way, in privacy and in calm, surrounded by people who love us:
"Dad had an amazing send-off. All of the family was together with him and he died very peacefully last night, just about 9:30," his daughter Linda said at a press conference. "I don't think you could have asked for a more peaceful, beautiful death. And I think all the good vibes that he put out during his lifetime came back to take him up."