Is the world beautiful? fuck yeah. as aristotle would say.
Or Socrates. Or that other one. Plato. Yeah, him. Does it make that much difference? Come on, let's be real. It's 2000 years between friends.
I'm so happy. It's surreal the way I feel. I cannot explain it to any of you. Unless, well Liz, if you read this, I will explain it to you because I love you. :) (she's my sister, you know, and sisters are as good as life gets.) It has to do with a friend, not even me. A recent friend, but one who has changed my life and the way I see the world.
Someone who has made me happy but worried these past few days.
It's been on my mind. But everything is okay.
Okay? Yes, okay. Such a simple, silly word. But a nice word. A real goddamn word. I walked down the hill and everyone looked so pretty. The beat-up cars. The dog sticking his head out the window. The little spit-spewer in the baby carriage. The hippie-encrusted Joe on the corner. They've never looked so pretty or so peaceful.
I like this Earth. Let's not mess it up, let's just be fucking happy. Can we do that? I think we can. :)
Listen to "The Band." It's the shit, yo. I mean the self-entitled album. Ohhhhhhh JAWBONE!!!
Don't expect me to be more expository or eloquent than this, I'm too blissful to manage it.
I love you all so much!!! And I mean it. We should all be closer, it's too bad that geography separates us. Stupid plateaus, mountains, plains, and seas.
But spirits can overcome all that.