Jan 01, 2011 13:56
[After literally being unconscious for days on end, Kefka finally wakes up to find himself completely dazed and disoriented. He has no idea what happened to him, but the clown has a sneaky suspension that this is all Akabane's damn fault. However, he has no idea how right he is about that.]
[For a few minutes or so, Kefka just stares blankly into the screen of his SFC as if trying to remember how to use it. Eventually that blank gaze is replaced with some mirth, but Kefka doesn't look too jovial today.
If anything, he looks a tad paler than usual and a little bruised up. See those ugly whelps upon his forehead? Take a good guess who did that.]
Hello everyone~! [His cheery tone definitely doesn't match his expression.] I'm guessing the pagan festivities are finally over, along with that stupid curse...
[He scratches his cheek lightly in thought.]
Yeah, the curse--what happened to that? Did the Coral get destroyed or somethin'?
[Blink, blink]
Heeeeey! What day is this? I don't remember...
haters gonna hate,
was totally knocked out,
gdi akabane,
why me?,
memory loss?,
stupid roommate,
tired kefka is tired