Went to a movie today - that's right, a movie on Christmas Day. I love it, though it makes me feel a little guilty when I see how many people have to been working in the theatre becuase it's people like my mom and I who contribute to the Christmas Day rush. Whoops. Your welcome for the time and a half
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I almost went to a movie today too! I got off work at 8:30-ish AM and went to the movie theater shortly after and Sweeney Todd wasn't playing. I stared at the movie listings with my jaw on the ground for 5 whole minutes, at least. So, I decided to go home and make waffles (my sister sent me a waffle maker, yay!) But I didn't have eggs. And the grocery stores were closed. I've been all "bah humbug" since. Oh well.
In response to your comment:
Meh :-( Can you take a disk to Kinkos? The only thing is, I printed out my beast [at work, mwahaha] and it was a little over 100-pages with small font and adjusted margins. I'm sure they charge something ridiculous per page. *Strokes chin* I dunno. You can't hook your computer's printer up to your laptop?
I don't mind if you want to just work on TOS for a while and just get around to Split later.
I was thinking about adding some scenes and adjusting a few things in mine. I think I have some good ideas. So, I wouldn't mind putting real work into it for a while as opposed to just cleaning it up a little for the exchange. If you don't mind.
PS - No worries! I'm not around much either, lately. I'm packing some boxes and leaving Flag forever.
I'll send you letters. I promise. I've just been so swamped, even with classes over.
Yay! about reading Caravan. Do you like it?? I really hope you do.
Lol, that dream is awesome. Um, except being widows. That's kind of sad. But I'd love to do it! I mean, we'd have to.
I remember this one night, last winter, I was crossing the train tracks, and I passed these two old ladies with curly, white hair, pulling their coats close around themselves--guffawing and giggling furiously. I don't know if I told you about it, but the thought that instantly crossed my mind was, "That's Ash and me in 50 years."
We should do it. Definitely. And if we move to North Africa, we //must// get a camel.
*smoooooch* i luff you madly, darling!!
Let's play, "who can leave the longest lj-comment?" :-P
I just about died laughing to your first sentence there. It is SO TRUE. I don't know what it is about males but they are just like little walking space heaters. I could steal pratically every article of clothing that Eric was wearing and I would still be cold and he would still be warm. WTF? I can pretty much only get warm at night if I lay in a really really small ball all curled up with all my blankets tucked under me... and then never move :-P
Aww! I'm sorry they weren't playing Sweeney Todd. Zoe - you're going to /looove/ the movie. Not only is Johnny Depp stellar and alluring he's also scary and, well, you already know you love the musical. I thought it was really well done. It's super gory but the blood looks kind of fakey, which is good because then you dont' want to gag the whole movie long :-P
The worst thing EVER is when you decide "I'm going to make ____!" only to find that you dont' have the ingredients needed. It's such a disappointment because, especially with baking, it's not like you can just substitute or "do without". Merh!
Yeah, I'm sure there's a way for me to hook up my laptop to my printer, I just have to get non-lazy enough to do it. And yeah, the closest Kinkos to me is like an hour away and I'm sure it would cost me a fortune, so I probably won't do that. I'm sure my novel will be a beast as well. Especially since I'll probably want it double spaced so as to make for easier editing. Maybe I could print on both sides of the pagers? *strokes chin* Either way, I'm sure I'll work on /some/ story eventually this break! I'll have to otherwise I'll feel like I wasted away an entire lifetime of a month! OH and of COURSE I don't mind if you want to do more extensive editing on your piece, you just go right ahead li'l lady! :-D I'm so happy to see you wanting to work hard on that, you were doing so well with it all November. I hope you can make it something really fantastic! I can't *wait* to read it.
I got your postcard today! *clicks heels* I'm going to write you a little something in return. Probably nothing too lengthy, but it will be something lovely to have in your mailbox :-)
I really am enjoying Caravan! She's just escaped with Bakuli into the desert. I know she's not going to die but, goodness, I just don't know how in the world she could live! Haha! I think, besides editing my novel, of course, one of my biggest goals this break is to do a /considerable/ amount of recreational reading. I just haven't done that in ages and it feels sooo good! :-D
Yeah, I wasn't too happy with us being widows either, but it was one of those "we simply lived longer" kind of things - not so much a horrible tragedy. If that makes sense? But I think those two old ladies that you passed will be perfect examples of us in 50 years... with or without husbands :-D And of course! A camel will be first on the list of must-haves in a move to Africa ;-)
And now I'm going to go write you a letter! Tee-hee!
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