Oct 03, 2009 15:13
Well, I think it's happening. The thing I knew would eventually happen. It's happening.
I am becoming Old on the Internet.
I haven't noticed before because so many of my flisters are of an age with me. And then I spent three years in the Brokeback fandom which skews considerably older...a lot of my writer/fan friends are actually older than me.
But lately I've been dipping toes into the Criminal Minds fandom. Whoa. On the main discussion comm, it's encouraged to post an intro whenever you like. Every intro that gets posted is by someone who's 23. 21. 19. 25. 22. I've yet to see anyone over 30.
These people were barely out of GRADE SCHOOL when I started on the Internet.
You're never too old to participate in fandom. But you're sure as hell going to FEEL old.
fandom: discussion