Writing, now with lipstick!

Nov 14, 2008 15:12

Hi everybody. I'm at work. And experimenting with bright red lipstick. Y/N?

Thank you all for your concern about my possibly having lost yet more writing work last night. One you came to my rescue, though. Part of Google documents is a genius feature called "revision history." You can go into this history and retrieve any past version of the file that has been saved, ever. THIS IS AWESOME. Those Google people. They're so clever.

So yeah, this saved my ass. I was able to retrieve everything I had.

In experimenting with laptop use, I have discovered that I do very well working in a non-home environment, even a busy one like a coffee shop. It's ironically less distracting. I have a TON of work for this weekend. I have the usual movie preview article (although after the behemoth I wrote about "Watchmen" last weekend that's going to seem like cake), a set of five short articles for a modeling magazine I write for, and another contact-lens short story that I no freaking clue how to write this time.

Plus I think I have a good idea of what I need to do to "Third" to make it work better, so I may be starting yet another rewrite of my 200,000 word novel. Yay.

So after work tonight I am going to set up camp at Stauf's, our favorite caffeinated hangout where there is, awesomely, free wifi, and see how much I can get done. It'll surely help my productivity to have an uninterrupted supply of cafe au lait.

work: freelance, writing: third, personal: grooming

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