Sleep. Ur doin it wrong.

Jul 15, 2008 01:26

*sigh* Can't sleep.

I need to be sleeping, because Rachel is picking me up to take me to work (because she is teh awesome)and I have to be ready to go by 7:00. I went to bed at 10 and woke up at about ten after midnight, and I had one of Those Moments. I looked at the clock, saw 12:13 and somehow my brain went into PANIC mode. "OMG I'M SUPPOSED TO BE UP RACHEL WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE I HAVE TO LAUNCH INTO FULL AWAKENESS RIGHT THIS SECOND OMGWTFBBQPOLARBEAR"

I was up and had my nightgown off before my conscious brain woke up enough to be like "Yo, idiot. It's quarter after midnight. CHILL."

But now I have twirly brain, worrying about car stuff.

daily life: sleep

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